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History Paper.edited 1

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Santa Monica College
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Analysis of Canada’s Primary Sources of History
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Institutional Affiliation

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Older than America
Older than America is an associate event film found at Winnipeg Art Gallery. This film
was created on June 16, 2010. It was created by the Truth and reconciliation truth of Canada. Its
Repository has been guaranteed by the national center for truth and reconciliation. This movie
was inspired by a narrator’s father, a director of residential schools, for over 15 years (Shear et
al., 2018). This film seeks to explain various impacts cultures had on the lives of Americans and
various impacts these cultures caused residents in real lives.
This film is an informative form of narrative that tells how indigenous people were
treated in America. In various chapters of this film, narrators are seen telling indigenous people's
history more realistically than other producers (Shear et al., 2018). This movie is relevant to
audiences in the recent past and the present since it explores the conflict of identity which
plagues many native people on the American Land. The main question raised by this narrative is
whether it wipes the war paint off the lens (Shear et al., 2018). The answer to this is yes since it
talks about how Euro-Americans mistreated American people. This historical narrative and
representation of the challenge Native Americans went through is very important in enlightening
the contemporary generation about the struggles that faced their forefathers. Also, learning these
challenges makes the present generation appreciate the freedom fighters and learn to respect
human beings and treat them with dignity (Shear et al., 2018). Religious exploitation by the
Catholic Church is the most dominant theme in this film. Catholic Church was involved in
duplicity and abuse of powers over the children.
Anglican Church of Canada Resolutions

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1 Analysis of Canada’s Primary Sources of History Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Date 2 Older than America Older than America is an associate event film found at Winnipeg Art Gallery. This film was created on June 16, 2010. It was created by the Truth and reconciliation truth of Canada. Its Repository has been guaranteed by the national center for truth and reconciliation. This movie was inspired by a narrator’s father, a director of residential schools, for over 15 years (Shear et al., 2018). This film seeks to explain various impacts cultures had on the lives of Americans and various impacts these cultures caused residents in real lives. This film is an informative form of narrative that tells how indigenous people were treated in America. In various chapters of this film, narrators are seen telling indigenous people's history more realistically than other producers (Shear et al., 2018). This movie is relevant to audiences in the recent past and the present since it explores the conflict of identity which plagues many native people on the American Land. The main question raised by this narrative is whether it wipes the war paint off the lens (Shear et al., 2018). The answer to this is yes since it talks about how Euro-Americans mistreated American people. This historical narrative and representation of the challenge Native Americans went through is very important in enlightening the contemporary generation about the struggles that faced their forefather ...
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