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Self Assessment

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I am usually a person who too much into myself. I do not readily appreciate what other
people say especially if their beliefs and ideologies do not match with what I believe in. I am
usually very critical of others, and that has led me into losing many friends. I sometimes, most of
the times find myself without friends because they are afraid of who I am. This has also made me
quickly lose patience. I think it is high time I started being more tolerable and appreciative of
others. Not caring about what others say about me or their ideologies has been detrimental to me
both psychologically and physically because many are times when I get stressed by very little
things, things which if I shared, they would be none issues. It is time I started being appreciative
of other people and their knowledge and wisdom. Books will not give me sufficient knowledge.
It is time I started believing that everybody views the world and life differently
depending on circumstances they have been through and that it is those different perspectives
and ideologies that make life worth living. It is true that no man is an island and that our lives
depend on the lives of others. I am also very punitive in that I believe anybody should be
accountable for every mistake they make. To that end, I fail to be empathetic. It is true that
everybody and at least vast majority, before choosing to make a particular decision, whether
right or wrong, they usually have their reasons. It is vital therefore to consider these reasons
before making a decision whether to condemn or approve of their decisions. By doing this, I will

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Insert Surname 1 Name Professor Course Date Self-assessment I am usually a person who too much into myself. I do not readily appreciate what other people say especially if their beliefs and ideologies do not match with what I believe in. I am usually very critical of others, and that has led me into losing many friends. I sometimes, most of the times find myself without friends because they are afraid of who I am. This has also made me quickly lose patience. I think it is high time I started being more tolerable and appreciative of others. Not caring about what others say about me or their ide ...
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