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Creating Team Cohesion
Purdue University Global
MT297: Associate's Capstone
A small team of three individuals was assembled from the company by
the Vice President (VP) of Consulting to decide how the new consulting
staff's training would be conducted for the Puerto Rico divisional office.
It was determined that the team would meet virtually; however, they still
needed to determine the process and steps to be involved in the training
plan with a
two-week deadline. The three-team members come from a distinctly different functional area
of the company and different operation regions. Because the VP established the team as a
self- managing team, there was no assigned leader, nor were the team members familiar with
each other. The team is faced with a short timeline, and clearly, the team members are not in
agreeance on how this plan should be developed.
Conflict resolution in the workplace is crucial to the functioning order of a team.
Usually, these skills are improved as a team becomes more familiar with each other,
especially once they are in the performing phase. For this conflict, the six-step conflict
resolution process will be used. The first step is to clarify what the disagreement is. Clarifying
the disagreement involves getting to the root cause of the conflict. This is accomplished by
obtaining as much information as possible from each side's point of view; this process
continues until all parties understand clearly understand the issue. In this situation, it would

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appear that both parties are unclear of the task at hand; however, they are pressed for time and
do not have an exact starting pointthe
next step to establish a common goal for all parties. By establishing a common goal, all
parties created the buy-in in the resolution process; this will be accomplished by discussing
what each party would like to see happen and then find that common ground to create a
shared outcome. The third step is to discuss how to meet that common goal. This will be
accomplished by continuing the dialog from step two until all options have been examined.
The fourth step is to determine the barrier to the common goal; this continues the process
from steps two and three but focuses on what cannot be changed about the situation that
could prevent resolution. The fifth step in this process is to agree on the best way to resolve
the conflict. In this step, possible solutions are considered and discussed until a common
ground is reached. The sixth and final step is to acknowledge the agreed solution and
determine each party's responsibilities to achieve the resolution. In this step, all parties
acknowledge the compromise or win-win and agree to fulfill their responsibility.
A modified version of the six-step conflict resolution method will be applied to the
problem rather than the symptoms. In this case, the team needs to communicate effectively to
address that problem, which is the need to develop a plan for training new employees. All
three of the team members will discuss their issues with the project, the method they believe it
solved and determine common ground as a working group member. From there, they will
specify their limitations and develop a plan to overcome it.
Once that plan is developed, they will agree on the plan of action and own their
responsibilities. By doing this, the team will have come closer together. By running through

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MT297 Creating Team Cohesion Purdue University Global MT297: Associate's Capstone A small team of three individuals was assembled from the company by the Vice President (VP) of Consulting to decide how the new consulting staff's training would be conducted for the Puerto Rico divisional office. It was determined that the team would meet virtually; however, they still needed to determine the process and steps to be involved in the training plan with a two-week deadline. The three-team members come from a distinctly different functional area of the company and different operation regions. Because the VP established the team as a self- managing team, there was no assigned leader, nor were the team members familiar with each other. The team is faced with a short timeline, and clearly, the team members are not in agreeance on how this plan should be developed. Conflict resolution in the work ...
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