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Sports Injury

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Health & Medical
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Heel pain
One heel is usually affected in most of the
reported cases of the heel pain, but a few of the
victims suffer from the heel pain from both of
their legs.
The point at which the heel pain is detected to
be worse is in the morning or when a person
has had a long period of inactivity. The pain
reduces when one starts walking but again
worsens to the point where the person walks or
stands for long. The most common symptom of
heel pain from the affected individuals is
limping as they try to avoid subjecting the
affected heel to excessive weight.
Preventing heel pain
Appropriate footwear is also essential in the
prevention of the foot pain. The recommended
shoes are those with low-moderate heels that
can cushion and support the arches and heels of
the person.
Sports injury
About sports injury
Sports injuries damage and cause physical harm to the
body of a person due to attack or an accident. The
sports injuries have no limitation on the part of the
body they can affect, including the bones, muscles,
connective tissues (tissues and ligaments) and the
joints. Among the most common sports’ injuries are
strains and sprains. Strains happen upon the
stretching of one or more ligaments while the muscle
strain is usually because of stretching of the muscle
fibers or the muscle tissues. This brochure will
indemnify the information about the heel pain.
Heel pain
A condition on foot, usually felt like an intense pain
while one is using the affected heel. The pain gets
worse upon the time because it keeps on building up.
The severity increases upon the placement of weight
on the affected heel.
Healthy feet and heel pain
It is always important to ensure that the
footwear is appropriate for the day-to-day’s
activities and the environment of a person.
For instance, it is not harmful to wear high
heels while going out in the evenings.
However, it is not healthy to wear such shoes
all week particularly when the work of a
person involves long walks and long-standing
Ideally, it is healthy to wear shoes with a low
to moderate heel with laces. Such shoes should
support and cushion the heels and arches.
Besides, it is not recommended to wear shoes
that have no heels.
Also, walking barefooted on hard grounds
especially while one is on holiday is
discouraged. Indeed, research has shown that
many cases of heel pain may result from the
situation where a person walks for 50 weeks
with shoes and then all of a sudden walks
bare-footed on holiday. The feet of such a
person will suffer from pain because of not
having been accustomed to extra pressure.
It is important to replace the sports shoes
regularly if you do a physical activity that
places additional strain on your feet. Experts
recommend replacement of sports shoes upon
walking about 500 miles in them.
When to see a specialist
On may see a general practitioner or a podiatrist
upon having the heel pain for some weeks
without having it clear up.
He or she diagnoses the cause of the heel pain
by asking you about your medical history,
symptoms and conducting an examination your
foot and heel.

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Sports injury About sports injury Sports injuries damage and cause physical harm to the body of a person due to attack or an accident. The sports injuries have no limitation on the part of the body they can affect, including the bones, muscles, connective tissues (tissues and ligaments) and the joints. Among the most common sports’ injuries are strains and sprains. Strains happen upon the stretching of one or more ligaments while the muscle strain is usually because of stretching of the muscle fibers or the muscle tissues. This brochure will indemnify the information about the heel pain. He ...
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