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Spot evaluatin test 2

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SPOT EVALUATION TEST simulated test Instruction. 1. You have a total of 1 minute per station/slide, to read and understand the questions asked and give relevant answers to the questions. 2. Number your question well and give the relevant answers to the question as required. Thank you. Are you ready Q1. (a) Give the collective name for specimens f, r, y (b) Identify specimen y and r y f r Q2 T Y a) b) c) d) e) Identify specimen. Y. Which Animal Produce specimen Y List 3 conditions affecting specimen T. Which methods of preservation are used in Y and T Name 1 disease condition that can affect theses product Q3 M a)Identify specimen M . b)List 3 Nutritive values of M. T V p Q 4. (a) Identify specimen V and T. (b) What is the material used for specimen v and P Q5. (a) Identify specimen G. (b) List 1 (one) function of the part labelled (a). ( C) which type of a trap is specimen G. (d) Where is specimen k used in houses G k a e U q Q 6 a) Identify specimen U and q b) List 1 hazardous Condition that may affect q. c) Identify e. In which General group is specimen e found D L Q 7 List 2 Condition that may affect specimen L. Q8 (a) Give the common name for the items labelled I, E,and C (b) Identify the type of barrier on G. if it was to be G used in Karuri Health centre. I E c p q Q9 a) Identify specimen P and q b) List 3 Conditions that can affect p. c) Classify specimen P and q. d) Give the nutritional values q k j Q10a) Identify specime ...
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