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Florida Institute of Technology Melbourne
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BMW ERP System Analysis

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Introduction and Background Information
BMW uses the SAP ERP systems to manage different areas of its operations. SAP
systems provide a wide range of functionalities that meet the different operational goals of
their clients. Using the software, a firm can manage its ongoing operations, maintain financial
books of account and keep track of activities of employees at different levels of its
operations. BMW uses the most recent version of SAP to manage different areas of its
operations. From 2017, the company partnered with a software design company to make
improvements to its SAP systems and tailor certain aspects of the software to better match the
needs of its operations (Roberts, 2019). SAP provides BMW with a wide range of modules
that suit the nature of its operations.
Tasks done by the software
A key function of the SAP software is to handle the operations aspect of the client
organization. Processes and procedures that are used to carry out most operational tasks are
automated by the software (Al-Sabri et al., 2018). Key aspects of operations include the
management of sales, managing raw material and finished goods inventory, logistics
coordination, and the planning for day-to-day activities that support the operations of the
organization. According to the annual report, digitization and the use of software play a
critical role in the company's production operations by automating repetitive processes and
eliminating possible areas of waste (BMW, 2019). The SAP software provides functionality
that can automate all key processes related to these operational aspects of the organization.
The SAP software also includes a financial module that handles all the financial
aspects of the operations of the client organization. The management of finances is a crucial
role of ERP systems as it strengthens the internal control system in an organization that aids
in preventing wastage or fraud. SAP includes a financial module that provides functionality

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1 BMW ERP System Analysis 2 Introduction and Background Information BMW uses the SAP ERP systems to manage different areas of its operations. SAP systems provide a wide range of functionalities that meet the different operational goals of their clients. Using the software, a firm can manage its ongoing operations, maintain financial books of account and keep track of activities of employees at different levels of its operations. BMW uses the most recent version of SAP to manage different areas of its operations. From 2017, the company partnered with a software design company to make improvements to its SAP systems and tailor certain aspects of the software to better match the needs of its operations (Roberts, 2019). SAP provides BMW with a wide range of modules that suit the nature of its operations. Tasks done by the software A key function of the SAP software is to handle the operations aspect of the client organization. Processes and procedures that are used to carry out most operational tasks are automated by the software (Al-Sabri et al., 2018). Key aspects of operations include the management of sales, managing raw material and finished goods inventory, logistics coordination, and the planning for day-to-day activities that support the operations of the organization. According to the annual report, digitization and the use of software play a critical role in the company's production operations by automating repetitive processes and eliminating possible areas of waste ...
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