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Mayo Clinic
Mackenzie Owca
HCA 421 Health Care Planning & Evaluation
Instructor: Megan Dalitsch

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The organization I will be discussion today is the Mayo Clinic. The Mayo Clinic is a
nonprofit hospital organization that provides care for patients that have exhausted all other
medical options and cannot find a solution to cure the aliment that are faced with. The Mayo
Clinic is considered a tertiary facility that will only see/treat patients that are referred to the clinic
by the patient’s primary care doctor due to the fact the condition the patient has is rare and very
specialized. The Mayo Clinic has several facilities all over the US, the major campuses can be
found in Florida, Minnesota and Arizona with other campuses located in Chicago etc. The Mayo
Clinic is a very important that is specialized care facility who strives to help patients who have
no hope. Just as any organization The Mayo Clinic uses strategic plan to help with day to day
operations along with future planning. I will be identifying opportunities and strengths along
with threats and weakness the clinic faces.
When it comes to rare illness The Mayo Clinic is there to help. The Mayo Clinic focuses
their efforts and concentrates on what other health care organizations can not help treat. Team-
based care is a huge focus for the Mayo Clinic. The Mayo Clinic supports team-based care which
means every single person that is employed for the Mayo Clinic plays a vital role in day to day
operations. Team-based care is composed of several different doctors’ opinions along with nares,
surgeons, and specialists. The type of care that is provided at the Mayo Clinic is called
quaternary care which is the most specialized level of care. There are 5 levels of medical care
primary care, secondary care, tertiary care and quaternary care, “quaternary care is an extension
of tertiary care. It is even more specialized and highly unusual”. (Torrey, 2020). These
treatments through quaternary care can include the newest medication treatments, experimental
procedures that is not offered at other organizations. Quaternary and tertiary are very similar and
not offered at many healthcare organizations, therefore people seek of the Mayo Clinic for such

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1 Mayo Clinic Mackenzie Owca HCA 421 Health Care Planning & Evaluation Instructor: Megan Dalitsch 09/08/2021 2 The organization I will be discussion today is the Mayo Clinic. The Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit hospital organization that provides care for patients that have exhausted all other medical options and cannot find a solution to cure the aliment that are faced with. The Mayo Clinic is considered a tertiary facility that will only see/treat patients that are referred to the clinic by the patient’s primary care doctor due to the fact the condition the patient has is rare and very specialized. The Mayo Clinic has several facilities all over the US, the major campuses can be found in Florida, Minnesota and Arizona with other campuses located in Chicago etc. The Mayo Clinic is a very important that is specialized care facility who strives to help patients who have no hope. Just as any organization The Mayo Clinic uses strategic plan to help with day to day operations along with future planning. I will be identifying opportunities and strengths along with threats and weakness the clinic faces. When it comes to rare illness The Mayo Clinic is there to help. The Mayo Clinic focuses their efforts and concentrates on what other health care organizations can not help treat. Teambased care is a huge focus for the Mayo Clinic. The Mayo Clinic supports team-based care which means every single person that is employed for the Mayo Clinic plays a vital role in day to day operations ...
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