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Florida Atlantic University
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Role of Technology in Security
Student Name
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Technology is a crucial phenomenon in our today’s life. Technology plays various
significant roles that people could not imagine staying without its contribution to society. For
example, through technology, boundary management has improved and resulted in improved
biopolitics and biopower through biometric gadget installation. I can prove that in our
University, I have experienced the importance of technology in security because anytime we get
into the school compound through the gates, we are thoroughly checked by using biometric
machines. The primary purpose of doing this is to ascertain legit students and illegitimate
students who might cause the insecurity that several institutions encounter (Amoore, 2006,
p.372). At home also, our borders are tightly fenced using electric fences to control intruders
who have harmful intentions in our families. This helps us secure our lives and live without fear
(Amoore, 2006, p.336).
There is a lot of connection between the readings and the contemporary political context.
For instance, several politicians and leaders promise their voter heads to deliver quality services
to help them live an enjoyable life. Through this, the political class creates boundaries between
themselves by using their manifestos while marketing themselves. Technology is also considered
crucial when regrouping people of the same caliber and differentiating them with others both
online and offline. I say so because there are several online platforms today that people open up
their accounts and put restrictions on whom to interact with and whom not to. Technological
securities can facilitate all this and improve platforms to guard personal data from exposure.
There are also security cameras known as CCTVs that have helped identify intruders in almost
every entity. This has also helped keep boundaries between two warring parties and secure
people for a better future (Cheney-Lippold, 2011, p.177).

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1 Role of Technology in Security Student Name Institutional Affiliation Date 2 Technology is a crucial phenomenon in our today’s life. Technology plays various significant roles that people could not imagine staying without its contribution to society. For example, through technology, boundary management has improved and resulted in improved biopolitics and biopower through biometric gadget installation. I can prove that in our University, I have experienced the importance of technology in security because anytime we get into the school compound through the gates, we are thoroughly checked by using biometric machines. The primary purpose of doing this is to ascertain legit students and illegitimate students who might cause the insecurity that several institutions encounter (Amoore, 2006, p.372). At home also, our borders are tightly fenced using electric fences to control intruder ...
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