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Factors Determining Vietnam S Productivity

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Factors Determining Vietnam’s Productivity
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Factors Determining Vietnam’s Productivity 2
Factors Determining Vietnam’s Productivity
It was the capture of Saigon in April 1975 that led to the eventual reunification of North and
South Vietnam. Before that, the country has been a divided nation for over 19 years. At the end
of the war, the country was dirt poor with a stunting population growth and in massive amounts
of debt. It was not until 1986 radical political and economic (from a centrally planned to a
market economy) reforms would change the fate of the country (, 2017). Today
Vietnam is one of East Asia's most dynamic emerging economies.
There are many factors that determine Vietnam's productivity. The Vietnamese government
remains committed to the culture of reforms that started in the late 80's. In its 2011 2020 Socio-
Economic Development Strategy (SEDS) the government emphasizes the importance of
developing skills for innovation and the modern industry (, 2017). More
infrastructure development and improving market institutions are other key aspects of this
agenda. The aim is to attract more foreign investors to invest in Vietnams export oriented
Another key factor to Vietnam's productivity is its healthy population with high learning
outcomes. This contributes to a market friendly highly skilled labor force for its expanding
export oriented manufacturing. The industries major target market is the West which primarily
requires high-end products. Big tech firms like Intel and Samsung have invested in Vietnam in
the past and have gotten phenomenon results (, 2017).
This year, the country recorded declining growth in its first quarter. However, this is no cause for
alarm. The country's economy still relies heavily on agriculture. The drought that hit the country
can be associated with this lag. Another factor to this decline is the temporary closure Formosa

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Running head: VIETNAM’S PRODUCTIVITY Factors Determining Vietnam’s Productivity Name Institutional Affiliation 1 Factors Determining Vietnam’s Productivity 2 Factors Determining Vietnam’s Productivity It was the capture of Saigon in April 1975 that led to the eventual reunification of North and South Vietnam. Before that, the country has been a divided nation for over 19 years. At the end of the war, the country was dirt poor with a stunting population growth and in massive amounts of debt. It was not until 1986 radical political and economic (from a centrally planned to a market economy) reforms would change the fate of the country (, 2017). Today Vietnam is one of East Asia's most dynamic emerging economies. There are many factors that determine Vietnam's productivity. The Vietnamese government remains committed to the culture of reforms that started in the late 80's. In its 2011 – 2020 SocioEconomic Development Strategy (SEDS) the government emphasizes the importance of developing skills for innovation and the modern industry (, 2017). More infrastructure development and improving market institutions are other key aspects of this agenda. ...
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I was having a hard time with this subject, and this was a great help.


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