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Json Data Management Final

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JSON Data Management
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The aim of this paper is to explore JSON data management and the challenges involved in
storing, indexing and questioning JSON data. The use of JSON data in the Oracle Database 12c
Release 2 presents the most stable way to manage JSON data. This is widely discussed under
different sub headings after a review of several journal articles and websites on JSON data
management. The introduction presents the rationale behind the use of JSON data in a business
organization while introducing the concept of JSON data. Other sections present a discussion on
JSON data especially with regard to the challenges presented by JSON based persistence,
challenges that come with the choice of RDBMS, how JSON data behaves in Oracle database
12c release 2, and reasons for querying JSON using SQL. In the end, the paper concludes that
Oracle has great support for JSON as it adds to its features like indexing, declarative querying
and views, thus making the JSON data management easy.

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Running head: JSON DATA MANAGEMENT JSON Data Management Student Name Institutional Affiliation 1 JSON DATA MANAGEMENT 2 Abstract The aim of this paper is to explore JSON data management and the challenges involved in storing, indexing and questioning JSON data. The use of JSON data in the Oracle Database 12c Release 2 presents the most stable way to manage JSON data. This is widely discussed under different sub headings after a review of several journal articles and websites on JSON data management. The introduction presents the rationale behind the use of JSON data in a business organization while introducing the concept of JSON data. Other sections present a discussion on JSON data especially with regard to the challenges presented by JSON based persistence, challenges that come with the choice of RDBMS, how JSON data behaves in Oracle database 12c release 2, and reasons for querying JSON using SQL. In the end, the paper concludes that Oracle has great support for JSON as it adds to its features like indexing, declarative querying and views, thus making the JSON data management easy. JSON DATA MANAGEMENT 3 Introduction Most application developers have widely adopted the use of JSON data in their persisting application data. This rapid growth is because of the adoption of schemaless development tool that offer developer schema flexibility and allow rapid response to changing requirements. Data presented as documents shows the complexity of the application data mode ...
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