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ST Thomas University
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Running head: TELEHEALTH
Institutional Affiliation(s)

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Telehealth is the usage of technology in health care.
Telehealth offers convenience to the patient. The consultation is done online, the patient
can be able to attend the consultation from the comfort of their house or office and there is no
disruption to their daily routine. The patient is also more involved in their management, there is
no physical contact, therefore, and the physical exam routine of look, feel, and move is replaced
with the look, point, and move. This involves the patient more. The health care provider will be
needed to gather as much information as possible and this leads to a thorough history being
obtained, giving a wholesome picture of the patient's problem.
The usage of telehealth is limited by the patient’s and health care workers’ ability to use
technology. If the patient is unable to use technology, the consultation will be difficult. The
camera needs to move around for the healthcare provider to see the area of complaint, if the
patient cannot move the camera visibility becomes a problem. The connection may be unstable
and will lead to an unsuccessful consultation, and in the case of an emergency, the health care
provider may not be close enough to intervene. The lack of physical contact information
gathered relies on the patient’s ability to comprehend and carry out instructions correctly.
How will you approach and perform a telehealth assessment?
I will first prepare myself, ensure that I have gone through the patient’s information, and
know the patient am about to interact with. I will ensure I’ve prepared the questions I need to ask
and I’ve tested my equipment to ensure there are no technical difficulties from my end. During

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Running head: TELEHEALTH 1 Telehealth Name Course Institutional Affiliation(s) TELEHEALTH 2 Telehealth Telehealth is the usage of technology in health care. Pros Telehealth offers convenience to the patient. The consultation is done online, the patient can be able to attend the consultation from the comfort of their house or office and there is no disruption to their daily routine. The patient is also more involved in their management, there is no physical contact, therefore, and the physical exam routine of look, feel, and move is replaced with the look, point, and move. This involves the patient more. The health care provider will be needed to gather as much information as possible and this leads to a thorough history being obtained, giving a wholesome picture of the patient's problem. Cons The usage of telehealth is limited by the patient’s and health care workers’ ability to use technology. If the patient is unable to use technology, the consultation will be difficult. The camera needs to move around for the healthcare provider to see the area of complaint, if the patient cannot move the camera visibility becomes a problem. The connection may be unstable and will lead to an unsuccessful consultation, and in the case of an emergency, the health care provider may not be close enough to intervene. The lack of physical contact information gathered relies on the patient’s ability to comprehend and carry out instructions correctly. How will you approach and perform ...
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