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Changing Strategy

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Changing Strategies
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As managers learn from evidence and experience, I think the strategies that are more likely to
change are adaptive strategies. Adaptive strategies include strategies meant to adapt to new
situations. With the fact that the complexity of the physical and social systems makes the world
more changeable, it is important to abandon our emphasis on predictions and shift into rapid
prototyping and experimentation in order to learn what actually works. In the marketplace, things
keep on changing and it is always important to ensure that an organization keeps on changing
with changes in the market environment. Managers should be able to understand adaptive
strategies to strategize marketing efforts through tracking and responding to consumers. When
managers make use of this strategy, they are able to able to tailor their activities in an
unparalleled manner in order to meet the client’s expectations.
Moreover, adaptive strategies make it effective to adapt to the new environment when there is
competition in the market. Definitely, competing with other organizations can be very awful.
However, managers can employ adaptive strategies when there is an increased competition to
deal with the issue and have a competitive advantage. For example, they can be able to lower the
prices or sell a different product in order to maximize the profits. Most of the organizations are
failing today since they don’t understand the strategy to use in a new business environment. Even
though adopting this strategy has been a big challenge for most of the organizations,
understanding its importance can help in dealing with the changes in the market environment
(Holton, Barry & Chaney, 2016).

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Running Head: CHANGING STRATEGIES 1 Changing Strategies Institutional affiliation Date CHANGING STRATEGIES 2 As managers learn from evidence and experience, I think the strategies that are more likely to change are adaptive strategies. Adaptive strategies include strategies meant to adapt to new situations. With the fact that the complexity of the physical and social systems makes the world more changeable, it is important to abandon our emphasis on predictions and shift into rapid prototyping and experimentation in order to learn what actually works. In the marketplace, things keep on changing and it is always important to ensure that an organization keeps on changing with changes in the market environment. Managers should be able to understand adaptive strategies to strategize marketing efforts through tracking and responding to consumers. When managers make use of this strategy, ...
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