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Sales management bus 603 week 5 dq 1

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BUS 603
Sales Management
Discussion Question 1 CLO 1, CLO 2, CLO 6, CLO 7
Define the nature of satisfaction referring to the seven dimensions.
Classify these dimensions into their intrinsic and extrinsic categories.
Discuss the determinants of satisfaction and the relationship between satisfaction and motivation.
Job satisfaction means how satisfied an employee is with their job. It is the psychological
phenomenon, which defines whether an employee likes their roles, nature of work, behavioral
aspect, and supervision working in an organization. A job can be rewarding, fulfilling, and
satisfying, or unsatisfying and frustrating. There are seven different dimensions to the sales-
related job satisfaction in our book, and they are:
i. The job itself: The nature of the job, everyday tasks, the roles, responsibilities,
authorities, and everything associated with the job are considered the subcategories of
job satisfaction of the job itself. Any employee cannot be satisfied if he/she does not
like what they have to do or are doing every day at their workplace. A salesperson has
to enjoy what they do every day; the work should be challenging as well as satisfying
and less monotonous. It can be categorized into an intrinsic dimension.
ii. Co-workers: Co-workers play a very important role of support to employees. A good
co-worker will help with the tasks, guide, supervise, correct, and make work easier
for fellow co-workers. Sales job requires even more support from the co-workers as
the job itself is collaborative. It gets easier to convince customers to purchase goods
or services if co-workers provide proper support. Thus, co-workers are an important
dimension in sales-related satisfaction. It can be categorized into an extrinsic
iii. Supervision: Supervision is important in any job, not just a sales-related job. A good
supervisor assists their subordinates with basic to advanced level nurturing for their

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roles and responsibilities. As stated by Rutherford, Boles, Hamwi, & Madupalli,
(2009), The supervisor has to be fair in dealing with employees, appreciates and
praises for good work, and lives up to his/her promises.” Especially in sales-related
job satisfaction, supervision helps in generating that enthusiasm and the energy to
perform better. It can be categorized into an intrinsic dimension.
iv. Company policies and support: A good company policy and proper support is a
primary modulator for satisfaction in any job. Policies improve efficiency, inspire
staff, and raise employee morale, thereby increasing worker satisfaction and
employee productivity. In sales jobs, proper policies and support provide an easier
workflow, proper management of work and workers, timely evaluation, and support.
It can be categorized into an intrinsic dimension.
v. Pay: Good pay is a major component of employee satisfaction as money fulfills most
of our requirements. The majority of people switch their job in order to get a raise in
pay. A sales job, being one of the toughest ones where we have to convince people to
buy products and services, has to have good pay in order to have less employee
turnover and higher employee retaining. It can be categorized into an extrinsic
vi. Promotion and advancement opportunities: People join an organization to earn
money, respect, and promotion. After the basic requirement of money and respect is
primarily fulfilled, promotion is something that keeps an employee satisfied and
committed. Growth in career prospects is highest in sales jobs worldwide. It is,
therefore, a necessary dimension for employee satisfaction in such jobs. It can be
categorized into an extrinsic dimension.
vii. Customers: There is an emotional relationship between customers and salespeople.
The connection between customers and salespeople is like the more satisfied the
customer; the more will be their loyalty, increasing the brand value, and ultimately
profit. In today’s complex business world, the relationship-marketing concept is
significant, as the better the customer-salesperson relationship, the better will be the
overall sales. Good customers help salespeople with self-monitoring, self-
enhancement, and personality development, which is the easiest and fastest way of
growth for any sales job. It can be categorized into an extrinsic dimension.
The above-discussed dimensions are organizational determinants of job satisfaction. There
are personal determinants, as well. I have tried to explain them in brief:
i. Personality: Personality is defined by human psychological factors. Psychological
disorders are influenced by variables such as cognition, behavior, and understanding.
Therefore, these variables decide people's satisfaction.
ii. Age: Age is a big determinant of satisfaction at work. Younger workers who have
higher levels of energy are expected to be more satisfied. When workers get older,
levels of aspiration rise, and therefore are easily disappointed.
iii. Education: Education offers a chance for one's personality to grow. It facilitates the
mechanism of human awareness and appraisal. Highly trained workers exhibit

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MASTER IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM BUS 603 Sales Management Discussion Question 1 – CLO 1, CLO 2, CLO 6, CLO 7 Define the nature of satisfaction referring to the seven dimensions. Classify these dimensions into their intrinsic and extrinsic categories. Discuss the determinants of satisfaction and the relationship between satisfaction and motivation. Job satisfaction means how satisfied an employee is with their job. It is the psychological phenomenon, which defines whether an employee likes their roles, nature of work, behavioral aspect, and supervision working in an organization. A job can be rewarding, fulfilling, and satisfying, or unsatisfying and frustrating. There are seven different dimensions to the salesrelated job satisfaction in our book, and they are: i. ii. iii. The job itself: The nature of the job, everyday tasks, the roles, responsibilities, authorities, a ...
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