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Wk 3 Integrating Social Studies Activities

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Social Science
University of Phoenix
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History and art
The integration of history and art will be used to teach grade 2 students. The title of
the activity is "recognize the historical event". The students will identify the historical event
by looking at paintings or art sculptures. The students will be able to visualize the occurrence
of an entire historical event. For instance, Pablo Picasso's famous oil painting "Guernica"
demonstrated the aerial bombing raid in Guernica during Spanish Civil War in April 1937.
The paintings and sculptures can be utilized to know the reason behind the war as well as the
consequences. The art material can be utilized to introduce the main contents of the topic.
The national standards addressed with this activity include recognizing the historical place or
event. The learning objective of the activity will be to remember and identify all the historical
events and figures. The students must be able to relate the adverse impact of the events, like
the side effects of war on living beings. The students will also be encouraged to paint the
historical events based on their understanding so that they can highlight the minute details
related to the event. This will help them to memorize the things that happened during the
event. The description of the activity is to identify the historical event with the help of
painting or sculpture. The material needed for the activity is art paintings which will help the
students to learn culture or tradition demonstrated about the people. Necessary adjustments
need to be made for diverse learners. For the students having speech problems, the teachers
can ask to recognize the total people and highlight the qualities or specialties. The teacher can
ask the students to color the painting if they have hyperactivity disorder. They can also be
asked to note down the things that have been said by the other students. For multicultural
considerations, the teacher can involve various students in the role-play of the characters
highlighted in the art. The students can be asked to play different roles for different paintings.
For instance, in one of the plays the student should play a role of a policeman, while the other
play the role can be played of a slave.

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ASSIGNMENT 1 TITLE Author’s name Course name Instructor name Date ASSIGNMENT 2 History and art The integration of history and art will be used to teach grade 2 students. The title of the activity is "recognize the historical event". The students will identify the historical event by looking at paintings or art sculptures. The students will be able to visualize the occurrence of an entire historical event. For instance, Pablo Picasso's famous oil painting "Guernica" demonstrated the aerial bombing raid in Guernica during Spanish Civil War in April 1937. The paintings and sculptures can be utilized to know the reason behind the war as well as the consequences. The art material can be utilized to introduce the main contents of the topic. The national standards addressed with this activity include recognizing the historical place or event. The learning objective of the activity will ...
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