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SCI 245 Week 4 DQ 1

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The volcanic features that were discussed are the ones with broadly
rounded domes and with quiet out-pouring of magma as well as the
steep slope volcanoes that were created from the explosive
eruptions. The magma ow from these quiet eruptions ow
smoothly and cools in thin layers that cause the broad rounded
domes while the explosive eruptions cause the thick magma to fall
and stick, therefore causing the steep slopes.
Recently the volcano, Kilauea, in Hawaii has been causing much
concern. It has been having explosive eruptions and toxic sulfur
dioxide emissions that have the potential to endanger the
neighboring villages. Many scientists have been trying to uncover
when the next eruption may happen, in order to prepare the ones
who will be a$ected. The Mauna Loa Volcano is known as the
"international decade volcano" since it does cause a potential
hazard to the local towns. Since there is so much uncertainty of the
activity of these volcanoes, I feel that the future of Hawaii is unclear.

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The volcanic features that were discussed are the ones with broadly rounded domes and with quiet out-pouring of magma as well as the steep slope volcanoes that were created from the explosive eruptions. The magma flow from these quiet eruptions flow smoothly and cools in thin layers that cause the b ...
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