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Windows Upgrade

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Windows 7 upgrade to Windows 10
Students Name
Institution’s Name

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Question 1
Windows is an operating system manufactured by Microsoft Company. The latest version was
released in July 2015, bearing the name Windows 10. Upgrading to windows 10 from windows 7
is a good idea for a company because of two reasons. First, the ability of windows 10 to scan all
the hardware and software in a computer is advantageous to the company. Normally, some
employees undertake malicious activities using pirated and illegal software (Halsey, 2015). This
malicious activities include fraudulent activities such as money laundering, hacking of
information systems and creation of malwares to company systems. Through scanning, Windows
10 is able to identify and detect illegal and pirated software and hardware, and hence improves
security on company information systems. Therefore, the management of company can be made
aware of attempted illegal activities by employees and necessary actions taken accordingly.
Secondly, multiple desktop to separate activities by Windows 10 is absolutely useful in company
operations. Where a user is interested in undertaking several operations in the same computer, to
avoid confusion and losing files, operating multiple desktops can save reduce such menace. For
instance, a customer agent running customer management system in one desktop and enterprise
resource planning (ERP) on the other desktop, enhance easy operations.
Question 2
As opposed to windows 7, in Windows 10, updates are installed automatically as they become
available without the need for users authenticity (Rhodes & Bettany, 2016). In windows 7, users
have control over downloading and installing updates, where they can choose to when and if to
install updates. The feature of automatic software update (forced updates) by Windows 10
degrades usability principle of user control and freedom. The user need to take control of how his
or her computer is running.

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Running head: WINDOWS UPGRADE 1 Windows 7 upgrade to Windows 10 Student’s Name Institution’s Name Date WINDOWS UPGRADE 2 Question 1 Windows is an operating system manufactured by Microsoft Company. The latest version was released in July 2015, bearing the name Windows 10. Upgrading to windows 10 from windows 7 is a good idea for a company because of two reasons. First, the ability of windows 10 to scan all the hardware and software in a computer is advantageous to the company. Normally, some employees undertake malicious activities using pirated and illegal software (Halsey, 2015). This malicious activities include fraudulent activities such as money laundering, hacking of information systems and creation of malwares to company systems. Through scanning, Windows 10 is able to identify and detect illegal and pirated software and hardware, and hence improves security on company information systems. Therefore, the management of company can be made aware of attempted illegal activities by employees and necessary actions taken accordingly. Secondly, multiple desktop to separate activities by Windows 10 is absolutely useful in company operations. Where a user is interested in u ...
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