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Women In Islam 2

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Running head: WOMEN IN ISLAM 1
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Islam is a monotheistic religion that professes the existence of only one incomparable God
(Allah) who sent the last messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him). They also believe in the
Holy Quran, the spoken words of Allah and Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (Siddiqi, 1987).The
Islam believers are called Muslims. This issue about women in Islam has lots of confusion this is
due to lack of understanding and misbehavior of some Muslims which has been taken to
represent the teaching of Islam has led to a misunderstanding of the issue of women in Islam. My
basis and sources will be the words of Allah- the Quran as well as the sayings of the Prophet and
his teaching which forms the base of the Islamic law. In my discussion, I will give emphasis on
the position of women in Islam, women in Pre-Islamic, women after Islam and women as a
leader in Islam from a spiritual, economic social and political point of view. In Islam, the duties
of worship, prayer, faith almsgiving, fasting and journey to Mecca are performed by both men
and women since they are moral equals in gods sight (Noble Quran 4:1). Muslims women vary
between different societies, their adherence on to Islam is a shared factor that affects their lives
to varying degree and gives them a bridge to the cultural, social and economic differences
between them by the collective identity given to them (Al-Hibri, 1982).
Women In Pre-Islamic
In Islam history, Khadija, the first wife of Muhammad, was a woman who had prospered in
business proposed to Muhammad as opposed to being proposed. Abu Sufyan, the wife of his
chief rival, was a politician and was active at the Battle of Badr. Despite their existence of
women who were successful, according to traditional narratives, women in Pre-Islam Arabia had

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Running head: WOMEN IN ISLAM 1 WOMEN IN ISLAM Institution Affiliation Instructors Name Student’s name Course Name Date WOMEN IN ISLAM 2 WOMEN IN ISLAM Introduction Islam is a monotheistic religion that professes the existence of only one incomparable God (Allah) who sent the last messenger Muhammad (peace be upon him). They also believe in the Holy Quran, the spoken words of Allah and Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (Siddiqi, 1987).The Islam believers are called Muslims. This issue about women in Islam has lots of confusion this is due to lack of understanding and misbehavior of some Muslims which has been taken to represent the teaching of Islam has led to a misunderstanding of the issue of women in Islam. My basis and sources will be the words of Allah- the Quran as well as the sayings of the Prophet and his teaching which forms the base of the Islamic law. In my discussion, I will give emphasis on the position of women in Islam, women in Pre-Islamic, women after Islam and women as a leader in Islam from a spiritual, economic social and political point of view. In Islam, the duties of worship, prayer, faith almsgiving, fasting and journey to Mecca are performed by both men and women since they are moral equals in gods sight (Noble Quran 4:1). Muslims women vary between different societies, their adherence on to Islam is a shared factor that affects their lives to varying degree and gives them a bridge to the cultural, social and economic differences between them by the c ...
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