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Yes I believe that nurses have an obligation to protect the environment because a lot of
contribution to healthcare comes from the environment; medicines are made from things that
grow in the environment and if we do not protect it then we are just harming ourselves.
A more professionally diverse congress will lead to faster passage of bills and ones that are
beneficial to the public and not out of selfish means. They will handle things better in a more
professional way.
Healthcare professionals should take a more active role in policies, especially the ones that affect
the field because they have a firsthand hands n experience on what is wrong in the field and what
should really change to improve healthcare.
A current policy in the healthcare field is the PPACA, a lot of people signed for it but it has led
to a lot of increased taxes; an example is Medicare tax that greatly increased and this is affecting
the access of healthcare for a lot of people.
Education plays a very big role in the change of behavior because it expands the mind and when
one is educated they know how they should act, what is wrong and how to handle people and so
they will change their behavior.
Collaboration of professionals is very important in science and reform advancement because of
the different ideas that they can through their acquired knowledge in combined different fields
that will make the ideas better and diverse.
I don’t believe that all healthcare professionals can hold office because this is not the field that
they trained in.

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Yes I believe that nurses have an obligation to protect the environment because a lot of contribution to healthcare comes from the environment; medicines are made from things that grow in the environment and if we do not protect it then we are just harming ourselves. A more professionally diverse co ...
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