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Theories Of Aging 1

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Theories of Aging
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Theories of Aging
Definition of Aging from Biologic, Sociologic, and Psychological Theories.
Aging can be associated with changes in the biological, environmental, psychological,
and sociological processes of the living organism. Aging can be described as a natural process
mandatory to human beings (Mitina et al., 2020). As stated by Ferrucci et al. (2020), Biological
theory describes aging as a series of biological events that entail the declining of various tissues
of the body over time resulting in reduced effective body maintenance. Neither external nor
pathologic factors influence these body changes. Biologic theories perceive aging as a process
from a molecular, systemic, or cellular perspective.
In sociologic theory, aging refers to changes that occur in the social arena. Costa et al.
(2016) Stipulate that social aging is the alterations in sociological relations and the role of the
individuals in old age. It is how individuals who are considered old connect with society and old
age. Besides, sociological aging can refer to how people think about each other and relate.
Aging can also be defined in terms of psychological changes. The psychological theory
defines aging as attitudes and feelings people develop as they grow old. It is the adjustments to
thoughts, feelings, and actions that individuals make in their old age. Psychological aging can be
influenced by biological and sociological factors which focus on the duties of the elderly (Mitina
et al., 2020). Thus, psychological aging is primarily the struggle for identity and meaning in
Nursing Interventions
Various nursing interventions can be tailored towards addressing psychosocial and
biological changes in old age. According to Chiu et al. (2020), a nurse should ensure
psychosocial needs are met by employing proper interventions. One of them is maintaining a

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1 Theories of Aging Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course Instructor Date 2 Theories of Aging Definition of Aging from Biologic, Sociologic, and Psychological Theories. Aging can be associated with changes in the biological, environmental, psychological, and sociological processes of the living organism. Aging can be described as a natural process mandatory to human beings (Mitina et al., 2020). As stated by Ferrucci et al. (2020), Biological theory describes aging as a series of biological events that entail the declining of various tissues of the body over time resulting in reduced effective body maintenance. Neither external nor pathologic factors influence these body changes. Biologic theories perceive aging as a process from a molecular, systemic, or cellular perspective. In sociologic theory, aging refers to changes that occur in the social arena. Costa et al. (2016) Stipulate that social aging is the alterations in sociological relations and the role of the individuals in old age. It is how individuals who are considered old connect with society and old age. Besides, sociological aging can refer to how people think about each other and relate. Aging can also be defined in terms of psychological changes. The psychological theory defines aging as attitudes and feelings people develop as they grow old. It is the adjustments to thoughts, feelings, and actions that individuals make in their old age. Psychological aging can be influenced by biological and soc ...
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