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Three Day Diet Analysis | 1
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Three Day Diet Analysis
University of Phoenix
SCI 241
January 21, 2010

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Three Day Diet Analysis | 2
When comparing my diet to the recommendations that I received from the Food Guide
Pyramid, I found that there is quite a bit that I could work on to maintain a healthier diet. In the
milk category I averaged 0.4 cups, which is much lower than the recommended 3.0 cup
equivalent. I had virtually no fruit intake, and my vegetable intake was only 0.8 cup equivalent.
My meat and beans group average was a bit closer at a 6.5 ounces equivalent, which is not bad
when considering the recommendation is 9.1 ounces equivalent. In the remaining group,
however, I seem to have no problem falling short of the recommended intake. My grain intake
averaged 9.2 ounces equivalent, which is just above the recommended intake of 9 ounces
To modify my diet to accommodate the recommended servings, I will need to begin
consuming more fruits, vegetables, and milk. I have a very bad habit when it comes to eating. I
usually skip breakfast, at lunch I have a piece of bread or something small to hold me until
dinner, and finally I have a huge dinner with dessert. After dinner I snack constantly until I go to
bed around midnight. I could start my change in diet by eating a morning breakfast, perhaps a
bowl of cereal with a serving of fruit followed by a glass of milk, protein shake, or juice. I could
also start eating lunch regularly. A proper lunch, like a sandwich with chips and a glass of milk
or water, is definitely needed. As far as dinner goes, I typically get a good portion of every food
group except fruit; however, eating some fruit with breakfast, and throughout the day, would
solve that. I also agree that I should eat more vegetables with my dinner rather than eating
mostly grain and meat.

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Three Day Diet Analysis University of Phoenix SCI 241 January 21, 2010 name When comparing my diet to the recommendations that I received from the Food Guide Pyramid, I found that there is quite a bit that I could work on to maintain a healthier diet. In the milk category I averaged 0.4 cups, which is much lower than the recommended 3.0 cup equivalent. I had virtually no fruit intake, and my vegetable intake was only 0.8 cup equivalent. My meat and beans group average was a bit closer at a 6.5 ounces equivalent, which is not bad when considering the recommendation is 9.1 ounces equivalent. In the remaining group, however, I seem to have no problem falling short of the recommended intake. My grain intake averaged 9.2 ounces equivalent, which is just above the recommended intake of 9 ounces equivalent. To modify my diet to accommodate the recommended servings, I will need to begin consuming more fruits, vegetables, and milk. I have a very bad habit when it comes to eating. I usually skip breakfast, at lunch I have a piece of bread or something small to hold me until dinner, and finally I have a huge dinner with dessert. After dinner I sn ...
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