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Policy Implementation

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Policy Implementation
Institutional Affiliation

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Security planning policies is a formal plan that specifically defines the necessary actions
to be taken in order to ensure a secure computer environment or information systems. A system
security plan provides a systematic techniques and approaches for ensuring computer and
information is protected from being accessed by any unauthorized users. It also acts as a guard
from worms and all kinds of viruses as well as all other events that are capable of jeopardizing
the underlying computers security. A computer security plan is mainly implemented in IT
environments and organizations. These security plans are proposed for protection and controlling
an information system, or any other plan that has already been implemented. The organizational
IT environment policies are used to create these security plans as the benchmark (Whitman &
Mattord, 2012).
Basically, a computer security planning is comprised of the following key factors: a list
of users’ personnel that who can get access to the system. These are individuals who have the
rights and access codes that enable them to open the system and access the information. Mostly
these authorized personnel are trusted with the organization’s internal information and are not
strangers. A computer security plan also include levels of access of tiered access, this defines
what a specific user is allowed to access and what he or she is allowed to do on the system. This
feature is very important since it protects individual users’ information from even coworkers, it
also ensures that the organizations top secrets is kept secure and confidential from every staff
member, and can be accessed only by the top management staffs (Whitman & Mattord, 2012).
In a system security planning, there must be access control methods. These methods
determines how individuals users will be able to access the system, these methods include use of
passwords, digital cards and sometimes the use of biometric machines to authenticate specific
users. These measures should be put in place to prevent any stranger accessing the system

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Policy Implementation Name Institutional Affiliation Security planning policies is a formal plan that specifically defines the necessary actions to be taken in order to ensure a secure computer environment or information systems. A system security plan provides a systematic techniques and approaches for ensuring computer and information is protected from being accessed by any unauthorized users. It also acts as a guard from worms and all kinds of viruses as well as all other events that are capable of jeopardizing the underlying computer's security. A computer security plan is mainly implemented in IT environments and organizations. These security plans are proposed for protection and controlling an information system, or any other plan that has already been implemented. The organizational IT environment policies are used to create these security plans as the benchmark (Whitman & Mattord, 2012).? Basically, a computer security planning is comprised of the following key factors: a list of users' personnel that who can get access to the system. These are individuals who have the rights and access codes that enable them to open the system and access the information. Mostly these authorized personnel are trusted with the organization's internal information and are not strangers. A computer security plan also include levels of access of tiered access, this defines what a specific user is allowed to access and what he or she is allowed to do on the system. This feature is v ...
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Really helpful material, saved me a great deal of time.


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