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Protein Article Search
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Protein Article Search
University of Phoenix
SCI 241
February 10, 2010

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Protein Article Search
This article concentrates on how amino acids relate to athletics, and how combining an
intake of multiple amino acids, also known as stacking, can be beneficial to stamina and
muscular health of the athlete consuming the supplements. This article defines three types of
amino acids and their importance to an athlete’s body.
The first group of amino acids is branched chain amino acids (BCAAs), which include
leucine, isoleucine, and valine (Stoppani, 2006). The body naturally releases BCAAs during
physical activity by breaking down muscular tissue to provide energy for the athlete; therefore,
consuming a dose 5-10 grams before and after exercise will prevent muscular breakdown,
thereby increasing muscular growth (Stoppani, 2006).
The second amino acid mentioned is arginine, which helps eliminate wastes like
ammonia, which decreases fatigue. Arginine also enhances the transfer of oxygen, hormones,
and amino acids to improve muscular recovery. Recommended dosage for arginine is
approximately 3-5 grams both before and after exercise (Stoppani, 2006).
The third, and most plentiful amino acid in muscles, is glutamine. Glutamine provides
more energy to the athlete by assisting the body in generating bicarbonate, acting as a shield
against chemicals causing fatigue. Recommended dosing before and after workout is 2-5 grams
(Stoppani, 2006). Glutamine also promotes health in the immune system as well as the digestive
In conclusion, amino acids are pertinent for an athlete’s immunity, digestive, and
muscular health. Amino acids provide more stamina by reducing fatigue causing chemicals.
They also reduce the breakdown of muscular tissue, which accelerates muscular recovery and
provides more energy to the athlete. For an athlete to obtain maximum benefit, a combination of
all three types of the amino acids mentioned in this article should be taken both before and after
his or her workout.

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Protein Article Search ... ... ... ... ... ... Protein Article Search University of Phoenix SCI 241 February 10, 2010 name 1 Protein Article Search 2 This article concentrates on how amino acids relate to athletics, and how combining an intake of multiple amino acids, also known as stacking, can be beneficial to stamina and muscular health of the athlete consuming the supplements. This article defines three types of amino acids and their importance to an athlete’s body. The first group of amino acids is branched chain amino acids (BCAAs), which include leucine, isoleucine, and valine (Stoppani, 2006). The body naturally releases BCAAs during physical activity by breaking down muscular tissue to provide energy for the athlete; therefore, consuming a dose 5-10 grams before and after exercise will prevent muscular breakdown, thereby increasing muscular growth (Stoppani, 2006). The s ...
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