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Homeland Security Overview
Sarah Murrell
Helms School of Government, Liberty University

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Homeland Security Overview
In Homeland Security, there are four pillars in which are the cornerstone of protecting the
nation from emergencies, threats and hazards. These four pillars include mitigation,
preparedness, recovery and response. The purpose of this paper is to discuss each of these four
pillars and the part they play in protecting the homeland and working to prepare and plan for
emergency situations.
The first of the four pillars of Homeland Security is mitigation. According to the Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), mitigation in regard emergency management and
homeland security includes the identifying of risks (also known as risk assessment), as well as
the development of “long-term strategies for protecting people and property” and verbalizes that
“mitigation plans are key to breaking the cycle of disaster damage and reconstruction” (“Hazard
Mitigation Planning,” 2021). There are many different components of mitigation, including the
“all hazards” approach, risk assessment, intelligence usage, and the many different mitigation
strategies used, including prevention.
All Hazards Approach
The “All Hazards” approach in mitigation is defined by the Center of Medicare and
Medicaid Services (CMS) government website as an, “integrated approach to emergency
preparedness planning that focuses on capacities and capabilities that are critical to preparedness
for a full spectrum of emergencies or disasters, including internal emergencies and a man-made
emergency (or both) or natural disaster” (“Emergency Preparedness”, 2017, p. 1).
Risk Assessment

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Running head: HOMELAND SECURITY OVERVIEW Homeland Security Overview Sarah Murrell Helms School of Government, Liberty University 1 HOMELAND SECURITY OVERVIEW 2 Homeland Security Overview In Homeland Security, there are four pillars in which are the cornerstone of protecting the nation from emergencies, threats and hazards. These four pillars include mitigation, preparedness, recovery and response. The purpose of this paper is to discuss each of these four pillars and the part they play in protecting the homeland and working to prepare and plan for emergency situations. Mitigation The first of the four pillars of Homeland Security is mitigation. According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), mitigation in regard emergency management and homeland security includes the identifying of risks (also known as risk assessment), as well as the development of “long-term strategies for protecting people and property” and verbalizes that “mitigation plans are key to breaking the cycle of disaster damage and reconstruction” (“Hazard Mitigation Planning,” 2021). There are many different components of mitigation, including the “all hazards” approach, risk assessment, intelligence usage, and the many different mitigation strategies used, including prevention. All Hazards Approach The “All Hazards” approach in mitigation is defined by the Center of Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) government website as an, “integrated approach to emergency prepare ...
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