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Photographer Gordon Park

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Running Head: GORDON PARK 1
Gordon Park
Institutional Affiliation

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Gordon Park
Gordon Park was among the seminal twentieth-century photography figures. He had
developed a style that that made him grow to the most celebrated photographer of his time. He
was an Africa-American who used photography work in advocating for issues around civil right,
poverty and Africa-American people. He was the first African-American to known for producing
and directing great motion pictures. Among his works, he made the below image:
The image was done by Gordon Park in the year 1952. It is Invisible Man Retreat, Harlem, New
York, 1952.
Design Elements
Gordon Park uses various design elements which are fundamental for all his artwork. For
instance, Gordon’s work he uses different colors to achieve the best results. He uses both the
secondary and primary colors. Intermediate colors that are made by mixing the primary and
secondary colors are also used. But in the invisible man photograph, he uses black and the

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Running Head: GORDON PARK 1 Gordon Park Name Institutional Affiliation GORDON PARK 2 Gordon Park Gordon Park was among the seminal twentieth-century photography figures. He had developed a style that that made him grow to the most celebrated photographer of his time. He was an Africa-American who used photography work in advocating for issues around civil right, poverty and Africa-American people. He was the first African-American to known for producing and directing great motion pictures. Among his works, he made the below image: The image was done by Gordon Park in the year 1952. It is Invisible Man Retreat, Harlem, New York, 1952. Design Elements Gordon Park uses various design elements which are fundamental for all his artwork. For instance, Gordon’s work he uses different colors to achieve the best results. He uses both the secondary and primary colors. Intermediate colors that are made by mixing the primary and secondary colors are also used. But in the invisible man photograph, he uses black and the GORDON PARK primary colors. The photograph has both a lighter and darker portions. Lightness and darkness values are portrayed in his artwork. The hue brings out the required tone of the photograph (Bringhurst, 2004). Gordon also uses a combination of different lines in painting and drawing. Purposes and of the Functions of the Artist's Work. The artwork of Gordon mainly works as tools for activism and humanitarians. He wanted to expose the racism in the Am ...
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