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Three Day Activity Analysis
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Three Day Activity Analysis
University of Phoenix
SCI 241
February 25, 2010

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Three Day Activity Analysis
After taking the Physical Activity Assessment, I was quite surprised at the results.
According to the United States Department of Agriculture, I averaged a Physical Activity
Score of 100 for all three days (2010). I burn an average of 1,432 calories over the three
day period, which consisted of 1,292 calories the first day, 2,078 calories on the second
day, and 926 calories on the third day (United States Department of Agriculture, (2010).
As far as physical activity score is concerned, I maintained a score of 100 over all three
days; however, the entire analysis made me realize that I have not been burning enough
calories, which would explain why I am beginning to gain weight. According to the three
day diet analysis that I completed in week one of this class, my recommended calorie
intake is 2600 calories per day. I still continue to work on better eating habits, but
including a regular exercise program would be beneficial as well.
My plan for exercise is to visit the gym at least three times a week. The main
class of exercise that I prefer is cardio. My workout regimen would consist of
approximately 30 to 60 minutes, followed by some light weight lifting. This would allow
me to burn the extra calories that I am not currently burning with my daily regimen.
Since my exercise routine would be primarily in a gym, it would not be affected by any
changes in the weather. Summertime, on the other hand, would be much more enjoyable
because I could bike through my neighborhood, enjoying the beautiful elements that exist
in the world, all while getting healthy at the same time.

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Three Day Activity Analysis ... ... ... ... ... ... Three Day Activity Analysis University of Phoenix SCI 241 February 25, 2010 name 1 Three Day Activity Analysis 2 After taking the Physical Activity Assessment, I was quite surprised at the results. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, I averaged a Physical Activity Score of 100 for all three days (2010). I burn an average of 1,432 calories over the three day period, which consisted of 1,292 calories the first day, 2,078 calories on the second day, and 926 calories on the third day (United States Department of Agriculture, (2010). As far as physical activity score is concerned, I maintained a score of 100 over all three days; however, the entire analysis made me realize that I have not been burning enough calories, which would explain why I am beginning to gain weight. According to the three day diet analysis t ...
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