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Corny And Collins

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Assignment: Mcqs
Institutional Affiliation

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1. On the Corny Collins show, who did the first telegram request to lead to a dance?
Answer is Tracy and Fender.
2. On Tracy’s first appearance on the Collins show, she chooses Fender for the lady’s
choice dance
3. The film is set in Baltimore in? Early 1960s.
4. The central conflict of the film is whether or not the Corny Collins show should be
integrated. False
5. Which of the following could be inciting incident of Hairspray?
When Tracy is selected as a council member
6. Edna Turnblad could be described as? Hysterical and overprotective.
7. Which of the following Mrs. Pingleton not afraid? That she will lose her job.
8. Tracy is competing to against Amber to be Miss Teenage Hairspray. False
9. Tracy is arrested after the protest? True
10. Tracy is sent to another classroom because? Her hair was too high
11. Packaged as a comedy, Hairspray masks very serious social and political issues? True
12. Place the following events related to Tracy’s hairstyle, in order? Tracy’s is ratted and in
large bouffant
13. The climax of the film is when Tracy becomes a council member.
14. The dance Motourmouth Mabel wants to teach Tracy, Penny and Link when they initially
arrive on the ‘other side’ of town is called? The Bird.
15. Near the end of the decade that some historians refer to as the Golden Age of the teenpic.
Following films such as Grease 2 (1982), fast times at Ridgemont High (1983), risky

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1 Assignment: Mcqs Institutional Affiliation Date 2 1. On the Corny Collins show, who did the first telegram request to lead to a dance? Answer is Tracy and Fender. 2. On Tracy’s first appearance on the Collins show, she chooses Fender for the lady’s choice dance True 3. The film is set in Baltimore in? Early 1960s. 4. The central conflict of the film is whether or not the Corny Collins show should be integrated. False 5. Which of the following could be inciting incident of Hairspray? When Tracy is selected as a council member 6. Edna Turnblad could be described as? Hysterical and overprotective. 7. Which of the following Mrs. Pingleton not afraid? That she will lose her job. 8. Tracy is competing to against Amber to be Miss Teenage Hairspray. False 9. Tracy is arrested after the protest? True 10. Tracy is sent to another classroom because? Her hair was too high 11. Packaged as a comedy, Hairspray masks very serious social and political issues? True 12. Place the following events related to Tracy’s hairstyle, in order? Tracy’s is ratted and in large bouffant 13. The climax of the film is when Tracy becomes a council member. 14. The dance Motourmouth Mabel wants to tea ...
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