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Miami Dade College
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READ: " The Rich are Different From You and Me" by C. Freeland.
ANSWER: Comprehension #1-2
Q-1: How would you describe Freeland's opinion of the super-rich in this piece? Does she
control for bias or not? Explain.
Freeland talks about how rich people changed dramatically in the last few decades. From the title
itself, she described the super-rich as people who are vaulting ahead of everyone else. It’s like
their lifestyle from the rest is incomparable- business traveling or visiting places around the
world. As one super-rich man said, "We are the people who know flight attendants better than
we know our wives.For me, Freeland’s opinion just totally makes sense and is not biased. Yes,
she did mention how these super-rich people work and play together forming a nation unto
themselves but, she just wanted to show her concern that these people might not notice that
everyone is slowly falling behind. She didn’t generalize her perception towards the super-rich
and even emphasized “many” of the super-rich- and not “all”.
Q-2: What details does Freeland provide in her effort to define the super-rich and
distinguish them from the rest of the population?
In the first paragraph, she provided statistics showing that by 2007, half of the national
income goes to the richest 10 percent. Whereas the richest controlled 34.6% of the wealth,
leaving 26.9% of wealth to the bottom 90% of the population. As compared form 95 yrs. ago,
where the income that these rich people received tripled from 20% to 60%. This just shows the
huge shift and huge gap of the income growth between the super-rich from the rest, a global
phenomenon indeed as it does only happen in the United States but also in other developed
READ: " The Money: Starting Out" by J. Diaz.
ANSWER: Comprehension #1-2
Q-1: What point is Diaz making about his childhood and family life?
As you go deeper with his essay, you’ll realize Diaz wants to point out that your family and the
environment you lived in shape your childhood. In his case, he had a rough childhood. He lived
in a place where there was no respect and as an immigrant, he felt like they were being targeted.
Basically, he lived in an unsafe environment and his family lived tight plus, emotional support
from his parents was also lacking living him with disappointment.

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READ: " The Rich are Different From You and Me" by C. Freeland. ANSWER: Comprehension #1-2 Q-1: How would you describe Freeland's opinion of the super-rich in this piece? Does she control for bias or not? Explain. Freeland talks about how rich people changed dramatically in the last few decades. From the title itself, she described the super-rich as people who are vaulting ahead of everyone else. It’s like their lifestyle from the rest is incomparable- business traveling or visiting places around the world. As one super-rich man said, "We are the people who know flight attendants better than ...
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