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Analysis Of The Binary Logistic Regression In Spss

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Analysis of the Binary Logistic Regression in SPSS
The null hypothesis of the research is that there is no statistical significance of gun in the home
concerning age, social, economic index and political party affiliation. Moreover, this an
experimental research type of research design which requires field data collection through
interviewing and filling of the questionnaire. The dependent variable was the “Gun in Home
which was measured as a nominal value. The independent variables were the age of respondent
measured as scale variable, R's socioeconomic index (2010) measured as scale variable, and the
political party affiliation measured as a nominal variable.
Moreover, the model fits appropriately as the binary logistic regression performed established
the effects of age, R's socioeconomic index (2010) and the political party affiliation on the
probability that participants have a gun in their home accordingly. For instance, the model
explained 42. 90% (Nagelkerke R2) of the variance in gun possession. Additionally, the correct
classified outcome of 78. 6% was obtained compared to the 66. 9% of null hypothesis gun house
cases. Moreover, regarding significance and fitness, the Hosmer & Lemeshow test indicated
goodness of fit which suggested the model is a good fit to the data as p=0.637 (>.05). Moreover,
looking first at the results for R's socioeconomic index (2010), there is a highly significant
overall effect (Wald=121, df=261, p< 1.000). Similarly, the age of respondent significance was
found to be (Wald=95.397, df=71, p< .028) and political party affiliation (Wald=67, df=7, p<
.000). Therefore, the answer to my research question is there is a high statistical significance
among the dependent “gun in home” variable and the “age of respondent, Rs Socioeconomic
index, and political party affiliation.” The b coefficients for all R's socioeconomic index (2010)
that is 1-261 are significant and positive. This indicates that increasing R's socioeconomic index
is directly associated with increased probability of gun in the home.

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Analysis of the Binary Logistic Regression in SPSS The null hypothesis of the research is that there is no statistical significance of gun in the home concerning age, social, economic index and political party affiliation. Moreover, this an experimental research type of research design which require ...
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