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Humor In Persuasion

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RUNNING HEADER: Humor in Persuasion 1
Humor in Persuasion
Institutional Affiliation

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In the course of history, war, ethnic discrimination, genocide, terrorism, religious
discrimination and other forms of pathological behaviors have all been brought about by the
human kind. Everyone has a different and unique expression and set of attributes and behaviors
in a given situation. In the years, scholars have come up with various theories of persuasion
which have had an impact in one way or another.
The first theory of persuasion is De-individuation or the Mere Exposure Theory . This is
described as how an individual’s capability to resist is incapacitated by its capability to subdue
individual’s sense of self-control. By the Observation of behavior patterns exhibited by
aggressive mobs, they tend to be not only dynamically immoral but also viral in its spread.
Examples where de-individuation can be observed are political rallies, union strikes, parades,
and sport events.
The other theory of persuasion is Cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance involves a
state in which two ideas or thoughts are in conflict with each other, or are inconsistent with one
another, which leads to the individual to feel discomfort. The main aim of cognitive dissonance
theory is to draw attention to attitude-behavior difference and contradiction that run different
from ones thinking (Lyttle 2001).
The last theory of persuasion is Ideological justification or the Social Judgment Theory.
In some cases people choose to agree with certain ideas because their beliefs help them meet
their psychological needs. This assists to them understand, predict and possibly rationalize their
currents social status and probably discover alternatives to their situations. This theory calls for
obedience and control in a particular situation helps them understand; predict and possibly
rationalize their current society positions.

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RUNNING HEADER: Humor in Persuasion 1 Humor in Persuasion Institutional Affiliation Date HUMOR IN PERSUASION In the course of history, war, ethnic discrimination, genocide, terrorism, religious discrimination and other forms of pathological behaviors have all been brought about by the human kind. Everyone has a different and unique expression and set of attributes and behaviors in a given situation. In the years, scholars have come up with various theories of persuasion which have had an impact in one way or another. The first theory of persuasion is De-individuation or the Mere Exposure Theory . This is described as how an individual’s capability to resist is incapacitated by its capability to subdue individual’s sense of self-control. By the Observation of behavior patterns exhibited by aggressive mobs, they tend to be not only dynamically immoral but also viral in its spread. Examples where de-individuation can be observed are political rallies, union strikes, parades, and sport events. The other theory of persuasion is Cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance involves a state in which two ideas or thoughts are in conflict with each other, or are inconsistent with one another, which leads to the individual to feel discomfort. The main aim of cognitive dissonance theory is to draw attention to attitude-behavior difference and contradiction that run different from ones thinking (Lyttle 2001). The last theory of persuasion is Ideological justification or the Social ...
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