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Personal Skills Practice

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Personal Skills Practice

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Personal skills practice
The experience of practicing the skills, especially open-ended questions
There was a mixture of feelings to some of the issues that were asked during some of the
sessions. That is because while some issues may at times feel simple on face value, they may at
times prove difficult to provide responses. For example, a question like, ‘how are you feeling?'
could seem simple yet one of the most difficult things to address. For instance, there was a
circumstance when I could not describe my feelings. It may sound crazy, but that is what at times
happens. Besides, some questions appeared silly at face value.
What I did well
I feel I should have an enormous level of self-control and impressive listening skills. In
some instances, a person may present questions that appear to be redundant and meaningless.
Besides, some of them seemed very personal and irritating. In the circumstance that would
ordinarily lead to random outbursts, I was calm, collected and ready to listen to all that came my
The reactions of those with whom I communicated
In most cases, individuals have various reactions depending on the type of questions and
the manner in which they are presented. From the interaction, it appeared that some people are
very sensitive to private or personal information. Moreover, some people are not quite good at
listening, and wood easily misunderstands some questions and blow it out of proportion. What
appeared clear is that a lot of people are very sensitive and would easily be provoked with

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Running head: PERSONAL SKILLS PRACTICE Personal Skills Practice Name Course Tutor Date 1 PERSONAL SKILLS PRACTICE 2 Personal skills practice The experience of practicing the skills, especially open-ended questions There was a mixture of feelings to some of the issues that were asked during some of the sessions. That is because while some issues may at times feel simple on face value, they may at times prove difficult to provide responses. For example, a question like, ‘how are you feeling?' could seem simple yet one of the most difficult things to address. For instance, there was a circumstance when I could not describe my feelings. It may sound crazy, but that is what at times happens. Besides, some questions appeared silly at face value. What I did well I feel I should have an enormous level of self-control and impressive listening skills. In some instances, a person may present questions that appear to be redundant and meaningless. Besides, some of them seemed very personal and irritating. In the circumstance that would ordinarily lead to random outbursts, I was calm, collected and ready to listen to all that came my way. The reactions of those with whom I communicated In most cases, individuals have various reactions depending on the type of questions and the manner in which they are presented. From the interaction, it appeared that some people are very sensitive to private or personal information. Moreover, some people are not quite good at listening, and wood ea ...
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