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NUR 4130 shadow health preeclampsia 100%
Scored Items
Experts selected these topics as essential components of a strong, thorough interview
with this patient.
Patient Data
Not Scored
A combination of open and closed questions will yield better patient data. The following
details are facts of the patient's case.
Asked about chief complaint
Reports headaches
Pro Tip: Use open questions to ask a patient why they're here today so they can
tell you in their own words and inform you of the situation.
Example Question:
Do you have headaches?
Reports excessive weight gain
Chief Complaint

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NUR 4130 shadow health preeclampsia 100%
Pro Tip: Use open questions to ask a patient why they're here today so they can
tell you in their own words and inform you of the situation.
Example Question:
Have you had changes to your weight?
Reports swelling
Pro Tip: Use open questions to ask a patient why they're here today so they can
tell you in their own words and inform you of the situation.
Example Question:
Do you have swelling anywhere?
Reports test results the physician said were problematic
Pro Tip: Use open questions to ask a patient why they're here today so they can
tell you in their own words and inform you of the situation.
Example Question:
What did the physician say about your test results?
Asked about patient comfort
Patient Comfort

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NUR 4130 shadow health preeclampsia 100% correct Category Scored Items Experts selected these topics as essential components of a strong, thorough interview with this patient. Patient Data Not Scored A combination of open and closed questions will yield better patient data. The following details are facts of the patient's case. Chief Complaint • Finding: Asked about chief complaint • Finding: Reports headaches (Found) Pro Tip: Use open questions to ask a patient why they're here today so they can tell you in their own words and inform you of the situation. Example Question: Do you have headaches? • Finding: Reports excessive weight gain NUR 4130 shadow health preeclampsia 100% correct (Found) Pro Tip: Use open questions to ask a patient why they're here today so they can tell you in their own words and inform you of the situation. Example Question: Have you had changes to your weight? • Finding: Reports swelling (Found) Pro Tip: Use open questions to ask a patient why they're here today so they can tell you in their own words and inform you of the situation. Example Question: Do you have swelling anywhere? • Finding: Reports test results the physician said were problematic (Found) Pro Tip: Use open questions to ask a patient why they're here today so they can tell you in their own words and inform you of the situation. Example Question: What did the physician say about your test results? Patient Comfort • Finding: Asked about patient comfort NU ...
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