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Economic Reform In China 22

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Economic reforms in China
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What Kind Of Economic Reform Is Occurring In China? Is It both Good and Bad For
China As Well As the Global Economy?
The enormity of the task which is facing china must be considered. China’s
population is estimated to be 1.3 billion people who are distributed among china’s 23
provinces, it has 4 municipalities without Hong and Macau, and there are 4 autonomous
regions in china. It has 18 provinces that have a populace of between 90 and 35 million and
sometimes considered to be big countries of their own. Chinas economy creates 10 million
to 15 million new jobs each year. Over the years, several number of economic reforms have
been occurring in China (Economy & Levi, 2014).
The kind of economic reform that is found in china is known as Reform and opening.
After the passing of Mao Zedong in the year 1976, it was apparent to China leaders to make
an economic reform. During his time as China’s premier, Mao made sure that he encouraged
social movements like Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution. These social
movements had their basis ideologies which were serving the people as well as maintaining
the class struggle. By the year 1978, the Chinese leaders searched a solution to the critical
economic issues which had been produced by Hua Guofeng. This is was the man who
succeeded Mao Zedong after his death. He became the new CPP leader (Rose-Ackerman &
Palifka, 2016).
Hua had shown a desire to continue the ideologies of the late Mao. This was
unfortunate because the movements left China in a bad state. It left china with low industrial
production, stagnant agriculture, and lastly, the living standards of the people of china had
not increased for twenty years. This period was a troubled period the gross production value
industry during this time increased by a rate of 810 percent while the national income grew

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ECONOMIC REFORMS IN CHINA 1 Economic reforms in China Professor’s name Student’s name Course Date ECONOMIC REFORMS IN CHINA 2 What Kind Of Economic Reform Is Occurring In China? Is It both Good and Bad For China As Well As the Global Economy? The enormity of the task which is facing china must be considered. China’s population is estimated to be 1.3 billion people who are distributed among china’s 23 provinces, it has 4 municipalities without Hong and Macau, and there are 4 autonomous regions in china. It has 18 provinces that have a populace of between 90 and 35 million and sometimes considered to be big countries of their own. China’s economy creates 10 million to 15 million new jobs each year. Over the years, several number of economic reforms have been occurring in China (Economy & Levi, 2014). The kind of economic reform that is found in china is known as Reform and opening. After the passing of Mao Zedong in the year 1976, it was apparent to China leaders to make an economic reform. During his time as China’s premier, Mao made sure that he encouraged social movements like Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution. These social movements had their basis ideologies which were serving the people as well as maintaining the class struggle. By the year 1978, the Chinese leaders searched a solution to the critical economic issues which had been produced by Hua Guofeng. This is was the man who succeeded Mao Zedong after his death. He became the new CPP le ...
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