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The Singer Solution To World Poverty

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The New York Times Magazine Article Summary 1
The Singer Solution to World Poverty
The Australian philosopher Peter Singer exerts provocation on matters such
vegetarianism, euthanasia for extremely disabled infants and more recently, everyday charity.
The gentleman reveals that he gives a fifth of his income to agents that deal with famine
relief and therefore raises the question of how much is enough? The writer wonders whether
it is possible to quantify our charitable burden. The philosopher offers unconventional
thoughts about the people's obligation to the poor in the society, giving a suggestion that even
the one-fifth that he offers is not enough. The philosopher offers a case scenario of a school
teacher who sells a street boy to some wealthy foreigners to earn a few extra coins so that she
can enjoy a few luxuries. He further compares the life of this school teacher to any other
wealthy person in the society who can easily afford the said luxuries and raises the question
of where their moral judgments lie in both situations (New York Times, 2017).. However,
Singer argues that there is no lesser evil between the two situations as both are a show of
neglect for the poor people in the society. The author further gives more examples to
illustrate our willingness to let go of our most priced valuable possessions at the expense of
sparing some more money to give to the less fortunate. Singer offers an easier way to donate
funds to the needy by either calling using toll-free numbers or by use of credit cards; with
this, every individual is to judge themselves then if they do not donate to the needy (New
York Times, 2017). The philosopher questions the people's moral ethics when it comes to
giving to the needy and states that it not only calls for people to give up a large part of
themselves but rather the little pleasures in life that we indulge in but are not necessary for
sustenance of life.
The New York Times (April 5, 2017). The Singer Solution To World Poverty.

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The New York Times Magazine Article Summary 1 The Singer Solution to World Poverty The Australian philosopher Peter Singer exerts provocation on matters such vegetarianism, euthanasia for extremely disabled infants and more recently, everyday charity. The gentleman reveals that he gives a fifth of his income to agents that deal with famine relief and therefore raises the question of how much is enough? The writer wonders whether it is possible to quantify our charitable burden. The philosopher offers unconventional thoughts about the people's obligation to the poor in the society, giving a s ...
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