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The Tragedy of Macbeth
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Macbeth can be attributed to be one of Shakespeare greatest masterpiece. Macbeth
doesn’t contain some of the high levels of complexity contained Shakespeare’s other works but
can be perceived to be his most powerful as well as most emotionally piece of work. In the other
tragedies written by Shakespeare, including Hamlet and Othello, Shakespeare focuses on the
various quandaries faced by the main characters, this tragedy is quite different. In Macbeth, there
are tumbles of Macbeth that occur from its beginning to the end. Macbeth is a jagged sketch in
regards to its characters as well as themes that make it exceptional compared to other pieces of
Shakespeare’s works. The Macbeth tragedy seeks to dramatize the adverse effects; both physical
as well as psychological, political ambitions can infringe to the various individuals who seek
power for their personal gains (Wells, & drazia, 205). In this tragedy, Shakespeare seeks to relate
the playwright’s relationship towards his sovereign. The play is believed to have being written
back in 1606, although the exact date of its performance remains unclear as various theories are
implemented to try and understand its exact date of first performance.

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However, the first date Macbeth was published dates back to 1623 when it was published
in Folio after being retrieved from a prompt book. At the same time, Macbeth remains the
shortest tragedy story written in Shakespeare’s time. Macbeth is the story of a Scottish general
who is known as Macbeth who returns from war after bravely beating his enemies. Macbeth on
his way back meets a trio of witches and receives a prophecy that leaves him silent with shock.
In the prophecy, the trio witches prophecy that Macbeth would one day become the King of
Scotland. After one of the prophecy become true Macbeth becomes obsessed with power and
ambition to fulfill the prophecy and become the ultimate ruler of Scotland. After sharing these
news with his wife Lady Macbeth, is she pressures him to action; to kill the King Duncan to take
over his place in the throne. Macbeth finally manages to accomplish his mission, kills King
Duncan and ascends the throne. Macbeth is filled with paranoia as he perceives everyone as a
threat to his throne and as a result ends up killing more and more people and he becomes filled
with guilty turning him into a tyrannical king. The series of bloodbaths that were followed by
civil war drive Macbeth and Lady Macbeth into realm of crazy as well as death. Some people
often feel that this play by Shakespeare was cursed and as a result wouldn’t refer to it by name
and rather referred to it as “The Scottish Play.”
Textual Background
The first official record of the Macbeth play by Shakespeare was initially recorded in the
Books of Plays on the section known as “Common Policy”. The Books of Plays was initially
known as “The Bocke of Plaise and Notes thereof p formans for common Pollicie,” that is
primarily a manuscript written by Simon Forman that recorded the four plays he had taken part
in between 1610-11. In the manuscript about these four plays, Simon Forman also talked about
the morals he had deduced from attending the performance of these plays. Regarding the

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SURNAME 1 The Tragedy of Macbeth Student Name: Course Name & Number: University: Professor: Paper Due Date: Introduction Macbeth can be attributed to be one of Shakespeare greatest masterpiece. Macbeth doesn’t contain some of the high levels of complexity contained Shakespeare’s other works but can be perceived to be his most powerful as well as most emotionally piece of work. In the other tragedies written by Shakespeare, including Hamlet and Othello, Shakespeare focuses on the various quandaries faced by the main characters, this tragedy is quite different. In Macbeth, there are tumbles of Macbeth that occur from its beginning to the end. Macbeth is a jagged sketch in regards to its characters as well as themes that make it exceptional compared to other pieces of Shakespeare’s works. The Macbeth tragedy seeks to dramatize the adverse effects; both physical as well as psychological, political ambitions can infringe to the various individuals who seek power for their personal gains (Wells, & drazia, 205). In this tragedy, Shakespeare seeks to relate the playwright’s relationship towards his sovereign. The play is believed to have being written back in 1606, although the exact date of its performance remains unclear as various theories are implemented to try and understand its exact date of first performance. SURNAME 2 However, the first date Macbeth was published dates back to 1623 when it was published in Folio after being retrieved from a prompt book. At the same ...
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