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Vital Statistics

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Vital Statistics
Infant Deaths and Mortality Rate by Age of Mother and Race
In the United States During 1995-2005
Looking at the statistics concerning infant death and mortality rates, there are three trends
that are apparent.
1) From 1995 to 2005, the number of total deaths for all races declines from 27,294 to
25,894. This decline in deaths could stem from many different reasons, but could
mostly be due to education, medical training, advancement in technology and better
health of the mother at conception.
2) For the age of the mother, non-Hispanic Whites mortality rates averaged 4.79 total
age range, while non-Hispanic Blacks totaled 11.13, and Hispanic mothers totaled
5.44 infant mortality rate. This trend shows non-Hispanic Blacks having the highest
percentage rate, with non-Hispanic Whites showing the lowest. If we look at the
specific age range of 25-29 years, Whites show a 4.26 mortality rate, Blacks show a
9.85 mortality rate, and Hispanics show a 4.91. Unfortunately, Blacks continue to
show a higher infant mortality rate for specific age groups and overall. These
fluctuations could stem from the available care for the mother, health, responsibility
of personal care, income status and living conditions.
3) In the other races, we see a large number fluctuation over the 10 year period. Cuban
has more than any other rate fluctuation, with American Indian/Alaska Native coming
in a close second, and Mexican seems to be the most stable. Looking at actual
numbers, we see an increase in reported deaths among these other races over the 10-

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Vital Statistics Infant Deaths and Mortality Rate by Age of Mother and Race In the United States During 1995-2005 Looking at the statistics concerning infant death and mortality rates, there are three trends that are apparent. 1) From 1995 to 2005, the number of total deaths for all races declines from 27,294 to 25,894. This decline in deaths could stem from many different reasons, but could mostly be due to education, medical training, advancement in technology and better health of the mother at conception. 2) For the age of the mother, non-Hispanic Whites mortality rates averaged 4.79 total ...
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