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Dealing With A Native American Patient

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Dealing with a Native American Patient
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Dealing with a Native American Patient
The behavior of a certain patient is influenced by her cultural background. However,
people from the same cultural group may portray different cultural views and practices. This
calls for much care when dealing with each patient with a different culture from your own.
Knowledge of his cultural beliefs and practices is quite necessary to prevent the patient from
concluding that you are indifferent, insensitive or even unprofessional. Native Americans have
rich cultural beliefs and practices which should be respected when dealing with the patient.
When dealing with a Native American, there are few things that you need to understand,
that relate to their cultural beliefs and behaviors. Avoid use of educational materials and concrete
approaches when dealing with the patient. Instead, use the majority of theoretical and abstract
approaches as the majority of the Native Americans are practical minded. This would also call
for moral action and thought throughout the medication period as they consider spirituality and
religion important aspects in their lives. Allow the patient to conduct any rituals that she might
request to undertake. The patient may require the return of body tissues taken for lab
examination like hair, tonsils, nail clippings, amputated limbs, and organs as they advocate for
the totality of the body for it to cross over to the next world. They also believe that the body parts
can be used in casting spells that may bring harm to the individual or her family.
Regarding communication with the patient, avoid direct eye contact as it is a concern for
soul loss and also a sign of disrespect to the patient. Do not be loud as the patient considers it as
a form of aggressiveness. In case the patient is explaining something, he might tend to have long
pauses. Do not rush him as this is a sign of careful consideration. The patient also expects you to
uphold this practice when talking. You should avoid touching the patient as they consider it very

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Running Head: DEALING WITH A NATIVE AMERICAN PATIENT Dealing with a Native American Patient Name: Institutional affiliation 1 DEALING WITH A NATIVE AMERICAN PATIENT 2 Dealing with a Native American Patient The behavior of a certain patient is influenced by her cultural background. However, people from the same cultural group may portray different cultural views and practices. This calls for much care when dealing with each patient with a different culture from your own. Knowledge of his cultural beliefs and practices is quite necessary to prevent the patient from concluding that you are indifferent, insensitive or even unprofessional. Native Americans have rich cultural beliefs and practices which should be respected when dealing with the patient. When dealing with a Native American, there are few things that you need to understand, that relate to their cultural beliefs and behaviors. Avoid use of educational materials and concrete approaches when dealing with the patient. Instead, use the majority of theoretical and abstract approaches as the majority of the Native Americans are practical minded. This would also call for moral action and thought throughout the medication per ...
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