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Employees At Amazing Pizza Shop 2

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Saudi electronic university
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Amazing Pizza Shop Case Study
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Amazing Pizza Shop Case Study
Question 1: The Main Input, Process Activities, and Output of the Amazing Pizza Shop
Amazing pizza shop employees are the organization’s significant input. They facilitate the whole
process from welcoming the workers and giving them the menu to tacking the Pizza and package
to the customer's hands. In the calculation of the time cycle,
I. Welcoming the customers and giving them the menu, the customer sitting down and
placing the order, then the cashier writing down the order, calculating the price, and
asking the customer to pay takes 3 minutes.
II. The cashier handing the order to the first employee, separating the dough from the
order, then putting the order into plates and giving it to the next employee takes 4
III. The third employee putting the special pizza sauce at their amazing pizza shop takes 1
IV. Handing the special pizza shop manually to the third responsible employee to mix
ingredients relative to the employee order takes 3 minutes.
V. Taking the plate and putting it in the oven by the fourth employee until it's ready and
getting it back takes 3 minutes for the thin base and 5 minutes for the thick base.
VI. Tacking the Pizza and physically handing it to the customer by the fifth employee
takes up to 1 minute.
Therefore, the process cycle takes 3 + 4 + 1+ 3 + 3+1 = 15 minutes for thin base pizza
and 17 minutes for thick base pizza. Bottleneck activities in the company relent to
unavailability of Pizza in the early afternoon and late night, unacceptability of waiting time

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Running head: AMAZING PIZZA SHOP CASE STUDY Amazing Pizza Shop Case Study Student's Name Institutional Affiliation 1 AMAZING PIZZA SHOP CASE STUDY 2 Amazing Pizza Shop Case Study Question 1: The Main Input, Process Activities, and Output of the Amazing Pizza Shop Amazing pizza shop employees are the organization’s significant input. They facilitate the whole process from welcoming the workers and giving them the menu to tacking the Pizza and package to the customer's hands. In the calculation of the time cycle, I. Welcoming the customers and giving them the menu, the customer sitting down and placing the order, then the cashier writing down the order, calculating the price, and asking the customer to pay takes 3 minutes. II. The cashier handing the order to the first employee, separating the dough from the order, then putting the order into plates and giving it to the next employee takes 4 minutes. III. The third employee putting the special pizza sauce at their amazing pizza shop takes 1 minute. IV. Handing the special pizza shop manually to the third responsible employee to mix ingredients relative to the employee order takes 3 minutes. V. Taking the plate and putting it in the oven by the fourth employee until it's ready and getting it back takes 3 minutes for the thin base and 5 minutes for the thick base. VI. Tacking the Pizza and physically handing it to the customer by the fifth employee takes up to 1 minute. Therefore, the process cycle takes 3 + 4 ...
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