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SCI 230 Week 1 CheckPoint 2 - Biological Theories

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SCI 230 Week 3 Day 4 Assignment: CheckPoint Mitosis and Meiosis
The processes of Mitosis and Meiosis are important because they are the processes used by
our bodies to prepare cells for either sexual or asexual reproduction in the making of an
organism. These two processes allow for cells to multiply and divide while forming exact
replicas of them. One difference between the two processes is that Mitosis is the dividing of two
cells while Meiosis is the dividing of four cells in order for each cell to end up with half of the
number of chromosomes. There are several reasons an organism undergoes mitosis, such as;
asexual reproduction, growth, repairing damaged cells, and development. Mitosis occurs in
things which are renewed in our bodies such as; skin, finger nails, and hair. Another difference
between the two processes is that an organism which uses the process of meiosis does so to
produce gametes which are reproductive cells used for sexual reproduction. This takes place
through the forming of sperm and egg cells.
What would happen without these two processes? All living things would cease to grow
which would cause them to die. Death would occur because no new cells would be there to
replace the old ones. In the end there would just be a mass of dead cells.
As mentioned above, in the meiosis process, each cell must go through the division process
twice and as this happens the cell passes on its genetic information to its offspring or new cell.
These are called “Autosomal” cells in the mitosis process. In asexual reproduction, one cell or
organism reproduces itself. Some of these types are bacteria, single celled organisms, and hydra.
(Pruitt, N. L., & Underwood, L. S.)
Retrieved September 02, 2009.
Retrieved September 02, 2009.
tion_5_1.html .
Retrieved September 02, 2009.

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SCI 230 Week 3 Day 4 Assignment: CheckPoint Mitosis and Meiosis The processes of Mitosis and Meiosis are important because they are the processes used by our bodies to prepare cells for either sexual or asexual reproduction in the making of an organism. These two processes allow for cells to multiply and divide while forming exact replicas of them. One difference between the two processes is that Mitosis is the dividing of two cells while Meiosis is the dividing of four cells in order for each cell to end up with half of the number of chromosomes. There are several reasons an organism ...
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