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Parens Patriae

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In a short paragraph, describe parens patriae. Do you agree that the primary purpose of the juvenile justice
system should be to help children rather than to punish them?
Legally, paren patriae [Latin, parent of the country] grants the state the inherent power and
authority to protect persons who are legally unable to act on their own behalf.” In the United
States, the state is “the supreme guardian of all children within its jurisdiction, and state courts
have the inherent power to intervene to protect the best interest of children whose welfare is
jeopardized by controversies between parents.” Although I oppose big government and federal
or state intervention, there are exceptions in which I break from my political philosophy. Of
course, I believe it always best for a family to stay together and for children to be with their
parents. Unfortunately, this is an imperfect world and the family unit has become an
increasingly weak social structure. If a child’s welfare is ever in jeopardy due to one or both
parents, for whatever reason, I believe paren patriae to be positive doctrine. In many cases, then,
I do believe the juvenile justice systems primary purpose to be helping children. Punishment for
some children who commit crimes is also necessary, but a separate issue. Justice for the child,
whether its protection of a child from a toxic home or punishment of a child for criminal
behavior against others, should always be paramount.
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In a short paragraph, describe parens patriae. Do you agree that the primary purpose of the juvenile justice system should be to help children rather than to punish them? Legally, paren patriae [Latin, parent of the country] grants the state the “inherent power and authority to protect persons wh ...
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