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Running head: SHORT ESSAY 1
Short Essay
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation

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Short Essay
Part 1
Notably, in the process of searching the best and most appropriate news article to use, I
used Mozilla Firefox as the web browser. In addition, I used Google to search the relevant
newspaper with editorial board for credibility purposes. Besides, given that my topic is internet
hacking, I used key words as internet, news, and hacking. Apparently, there were various news
organizations that appeared in the Google window, such as Huffington Post, Wall Street Journal,
and New York Times. Moreover, I came about articles, such as security news this week,
wrecking the internet, and Hackers cripple US internet from news organizations like Wired, The
Sunday Morning Herald, and Aljazeera respectively. Thus, I chose New York Times for my
article basing on the criteria that the newspaper is the most widely used in the American market
as well as globally. Further, New York Times provides the readers with various options where
they can access different news around the globe.
Noteworthy, the article Yahoo says 1 billion users accounts were hacked by Goel and
Perlroth (2016) gives an account of several hackings that has occurred in Yahoo organization
from the past four years. Essentially, Yahoo experienced internet hacking in the year 2012, 2013,
and 2014, resulting in disclosure of its sensitive user information, such as dates of births,
telephone number, names, and encrypted passwords. Apparently, the hacker forged the
credentials to login some Yahoo users' accounts without using the passwords. Subsequently,
Yahoo chief information security personnel asserts that the 2014 hacker was state sponsored, and
attacked the organization through the use of the organization proprietary source code. The code
permitted the hacker to create forged texts which a website can easily store on the user’s account.

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Running head: SHORT ESSAY 1 Short Essay Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation SHORT ESSAY 2 Short Essay Part 1 Notably, in the process of searching the best and most appropriate news article to use, I used Mozilla Firefox as the web browser. In addition, I used Google to search the relevant newspaper with editorial board for credibility purposes. Besides, given that my topic is internet hacking, I used key words as internet, news, and hacking. Apparently, there were various news organizations that appeared in the Google window, such as Huffington Post, Wall Street Journal, and New York Times. Moreover, I came about articles, such as security news this week, wrecking the internet, and Hackers cripple US internet from news organizations like Wired, The Sunday Morning Herald, and Aljazeera respectively. Thus, I chose New York Times for my article basing on the criteria that the newspaper is the most widely used in the American market as well as globally. Further, New York Times provides the readers with various options where they can access different news around the globe. Summary Noteworthy, the article Yahoo says 1 billion users accounts were hacked by Goel and Perlroth (2016) gives an account of several hackings that has occurred in Yahoo organization from the past four years. Essentially, Yahoo experienced internet hacking in the year 2012, 2013, and 2014, resulting in disclosure of its sensitive user information, such as dates of births, telephone number, names, ...
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Nice! Really impressed with the quality.


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