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Pjm310 module 8 option 1 crosby manufacturing corporation

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Module 8: Option #1: Crosby Manufacturing Corporation
Module 8: Option #1: Crosby Manufacturing Corporation
Colorado State University Global
PJM310: Introduction to Project Management
Ronald Johnson

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Module 8: Option #1: Crosby Manufacturing Corporation 2
Module 8: Option #1: Crosby Manufacturing Corporation
Project select is a vital part of the project management role. When project teams must
select projects, they must make sure they have done their due diligence with all the different
aspects that determine proper project selection. Failing to look at all the different aspects of the
project can lead to missed deadlines, missed budgets, and disgruntled project teams in most
cases. During the project analysis phase the project manager or project teams analyzes thing such
as the processes, the targeted budget, the personnel or resources allocated to the project, risk
associated with the project, and client requirements or expectations (Parikh, 2019). This specific
case analysis is done in order to show where the Crosby Manufacturing Corporation potentially
cut corners and risked opening themselves up for high stress points and many points of potential
failure. The analysis will provide a brief overview of the project and the potential issues
introduced into the project by the key stakeholders and everyone involved.
Case Overview
In the case of Crosby Manufacturing Corporation, the company wanted to change their
Management Cost and Control System (MCCS) in order to become competitive again with what
their competitors currently offered and to be able pick up government contracts they were
missing due to the old system (Kerzner, 2017). The company found that they had a specific need
to implement a new system due to the fact that with their currently antiquated reporting
procedures the company lost out on at least three very large government contracts. Once the
company brought on a new president in 2005 they decided it was time to kick it into gear by
reorganizing and changing over to a matrix system which aligned with the need of procuring
government contracts again and developing a new system that would aid in automating their
project financial reporting procedures.

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Module 8: Option #1: Crosby Manufacturing Corporation Module 8: Option #1: Crosby Manufacturing Corporation Student Colorado State University Global PJM310: Introduction to Project Management Ronald Johnson 1-1-2021 1 Module 8: Option #1: Crosby Manufacturing Corporation Module 8: Option #1: Crosby Manufacturing Corporation Project select is a vital part of the project management role. When project teams must select projects, they must make sure they have done their due diligence with all the different aspects that determine proper project selection. Failing to look at all the different aspects of the project can lead to missed deadlines, missed budgets, and disgruntled project teams in most cases. During the project analysis phase the project manager or project teams analyzes thing such as the processes, the targeted budget, the personnel or resources allocated to the project, risk associated with the project, and client requirements or expectations (Parikh, 2019). This specific case analysis is done in order to show where the Crosby Manufacturing Corporation potentially cut corners and risked opening themselves up for high stress points and many points of potential failure. The analysis will provide a brief overview of the project and the potential issues introduced into the project by the key stakeholders and everyone involved. Case Overview In the case of Crosby Manufacturing Corporation, the company wanted to change their Management Cost and Control System (MCCS) in ...
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