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Retirement Plan

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Running Head: Retirement Plan 1
Retirement Plan
Institutional Affiliation

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Retirement Plan 2
A retirement plan is one of the key aspects that a company should have for the sake of it
employees. Retirement plan, therefore, is considered as one of the most important life events
which most of the employees will have to experience. Thinking of the retirement plan in two
perspectives either financial or personal, the realization of the retirement process would require
that one should take a sensible planning and a couple of persistence years. It is for this reason
therefore, a company needs to have a well-planned retirement plan to its employees and the plan
needs to be well managed and be adequately maintained. One of the tools which most successful
organizations use is in recruiting and retained their well-performing employees is through
offering retirements benefits, something which has drawn a lot of concern and has been on the
rise. One of the greatest challenges of offering a retirement benefit is that offering a retirement
plan which does not have the required attention and proper pay can be much worse than eve not
offering one. Employees are always driven by a retirement benefit which is working for them
and at the same time something they can comfortably count on. In addition, employees want a
retirement plan which offers them a pension pay that is worth sustaining them after retirement.
On the other hand, the employers have the responsibility of ensuring that their employees have
the full knowledge on how they make investments of their money within the company and the
way that plan will best work for them in the future. We can, therefore, conclude that a good
retirement plan should offer the employee a well-defined contribution and a well-defined benefit
based on how they should they should invest their money.

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Running Head: Retirement Plan 1 Retirement Plan Institutional Affiliation Date Retirement Plan 2 A retirement plan is one of the key aspects that a company should have for the sake of it employees. Retirement plan, therefore, is considered as one of the most important life events which most of the employees will have to experience. Thinking of the retirement plan in two perspectives either financial or personal, the realization of the retirement process would require that one should take a sensible planning and a couple of persistence years. It is for this reason therefore, a company needs to have a well-planned retirement plan to its employees and the plan needs to be well managed and be adequately maintained. One of the tools which most successful organizations use is in recruiting and retained their well-performing employees is through offering retirements benefits, something wh ...
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