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SCI 230 Week 4 DQ 2

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SCI 230 Week 4 Day 4
Choose a chromosomal disorder from the March of Dimes Foundation Web site.
- Post your response to the following:
- Identify the disorder and explain how it is expressed in a person and inherited.
- If you were the parent of a child with this disorder, with which question would you be
most concerned? How would you find the answer to your question?
- Discuss any personal experiences or news articles related to the disorder.
I choose the Cri-du-chat syndrome chromosomal disorder. This disorder is caused by deletion of
chromosome number 5. In an infant it is expressed by a high-pitched cat-like crying. Other
features are mental retardation and physical abnormalities.
As a parent of a child with this disorder I would be most concerned with my child’s longevity.
What would their life expectancy be? I would also be concerned with what type of life could
they expect to have as they grew older. I would talk to specialist who deals with children who
have this disorder. I would also try to find support groups for families with children having this
disorder. I would also conduct my own research on the internet researching case studies and
medical journals dealing with this.
Researchers state that children with Cri-du-chat syndrome can lead “happy and fulfilling lives as
valued members of their families and communities.” (cri-du-chat support group of Australia)
There can be different degrees from mild to severe depending on how much of chromosome
number 5 is missing.
Retrieved on September 10, 2009
Retrieved on September 10, 2009

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SCI 230 Week 4 Day 4 DISCUSSION QUESTION: 2 Choose a chromosomal disorder from the March of Dimes Foundation Web site. - Post your response to the following: - Identify the disorder and explain how it is expressed in a person and inherited. - If you were the parent of a child with this disorder, wi ...
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