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Shadow A Sales Representative

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I chose a sales representative from Kenny Kent Chevrolet in Evansville
Indiana for my shadow a sales representative assignment. Kenny Kent Chevrolet
deals in sales of new and used Chevrolet cars. It also deals in auto repair and
vehicle maintenance. Kenny Kent was first in sales for all seven Chevrolet car
dealers in Evansville for last several years. It sold 28% of all Chevrolets sold in
I met with the store manager Chris Byrley. I informed him of the
assignment purpose which was to learn from sales representative. Byrley started
out as a sales representative for Kenny Kent, he still sells cars to customers who
are sent directly to him by friends and family. He allowed me to follow him
around for a day and gave me advice on how to be a good sales representative.
He began by teaching me on how to communicate with customers. Byrley
advised me to avoid using yes and no questions when asking about the
customers needs. Yes and no questions are time wasting and if the customer is
not sure about what he wants he could change his mind and fail to buy a car.
According to Byrley, you should ask the customer to describe what he needs and
offer suggestions and present the cars that match his needs. He gave me the
following example. If you ask a customer yes and no questions for example “Are
you looking for a sedan?” and he says no, then you ask “Are you looking for an
SUV?” and he says no, you waste a lot of time and the customer may think you
lack correct car knowledge to help him choose a good car. You should instead ask

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the customer what type of car he is looking for and let him describe it. He always
asked customers to describe their car. When an older couple and asked him what
cars they had, he told them there was a wide range of old and new car and could
they tell him what they wanted in a car. The couple asked for a cheap car and
told him their range. He asked them more questions on this car for about 20
minutes and made jokes on the cost of maintaining a car these days. He then took
them to the second hand section, showed them four cars. They chose a. After the
sales process was over, Byrley said that it is important for the sales
representative to have knowledge on all the cars he sells. He should use this
knowledge to match cars to the customer’s description. Asking yes and no
questions is asking the customer to do your job for you.
The other important thing he talked about was the importance of
networking in the job of a sales representative. Sales representatives do not only
have the responsibility to sell cars but they should also attract customers to the
dealership. Sales representatives should try to connect to friends of friends and
friends of family. It is important to these people know that you are a sales
representative. Byrley says that the process of buying a car begins with asking
among friends and family. If a friend or family member can recommend the
representatives services, the customer will go to that dealership. It is therefore
very important to have a wide social network with people and ensure they are
aware of your job. He also said that to get referrals you have to get your
customers what they want. You should know what you are selling so that you are
not lying to your customers. If you say a car is going to use this much fuel and it
uses more than that the buyer will discourage people looking for a dealership
from using your services.

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LAST NAME Student Name Name of Instructor Unit Code Date I chose a sales representative from Kenny Kent Chevrolet in Evansville Indiana for my shadow a sales representative assignment. Kenny Kent Chevrolet deals in sales of new and used Chevrolet cars. It also deals in auto repair and vehicle maintenance. Kenny Kent was first in sales for all seven Chevrolet car dealers in Evansville for last several years. It sold 28% of all Chevrolets sold in Evansville. I met with the store manager Chris Byrley. I informed him of the assignment purpose which was to learn from sales representative. Byrley started out as a sales representative for Kenny Kent, he still sells cars to customers who are sent directly to him by friends and family. He allowed me to follow him around for a day and gave me advice on how to be a good sales representative. He began by teaching me on how to communicate with custom ...
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