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Running head: The Redefinition of Rape 1
A Matter of Force: The Redefinition of Rape

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A Matter of Force: The Redefinition of Rape 2
Criminal Law, just like law in general is ever going through development. Up to recently in
California, before the famous People of the State of California v. Brock Allen Turner (2015), one
would say rape law has improved tremendously. However, after the Turner case when the
California Court only sentenced Turner to six months in county jail, one might be tempted to
think rape law has been added to, subtracted from and tinkered with until it has become less of a
structure than a builder’s debris. Or would it be right to say rape law is headed back to the dark
days of male dominance and white people privilege? The California Penal Code criminalizes
rape is various sections as shown; California Penal Code Section 261 (general definition of non-
spousal rape), California Penal Code Section 261.5 (definition of statutory rape), California
Penal Code Section 262 (definition of spousal rape), California Penal Code Section 264
(punishments for rape crimes). But before this, rape law in USA has travelled a long, dark path.
In the past 25 years, rape law has been the objective of much criticism, bringing about constant
definitional changes in numerous states. Amid late 1970 and 1980s, dissents led to a few
statutory and judicial changes in the law of rape. As societal mindfulness expanded, critical
changes in the law happened. A lot of this change is owing to expanding societal mindfulness
and judgment of coercive sexual practices, particularly between colleagues. This change
additionally is the aftereffect of expanded political support by rape victims and a lobbyist
women's activist philosophical perspective of gender relations which reclassifies human
sexuality as far as political power. The essential legal reaction to these societal weights has been
either to modify the legal meaning of rape by changing its components, or to reclassify the
significance of terms detailed at custom-based law. Before looking at a current criminal code

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Running head: The Redefinition of Rape 1 A Matter of Force: The Redefinition of Rape Name Institution A Matter of Force: The Redefinition of Rape 2 Introduction Criminal Law, just like law in general is ever going through development. Up to recently in California, before the famous People of the State of California v. Brock Allen Turner (2015), one would say rape law has improved tremendously. However, after the Turner case when the California Court only sentenced Turner to six months in county jail, one might be tempted to think rape law has been added to, subtracted from and tinkered with until it has become less of a structure than a builder’s debris. Or would it be right to say rape law is headed back to the dark days of male dominance and white people privilege? The California Penal Code criminalizes rape is various sections as shown; California Penal Code Section 261 (general definition of nonspousal rape), California Penal Code Section 261.5 (definition of statutory rape), California Penal Code Section 262 (definition of spousal rape), California Penal Code Section 264 (punishments for rape crimes). But before this, rape law in USA has travelled a long, dark path. In the past 25 years, rape law has been the objective of much criticism, bringing about constant definitional changes in numerous states. Amid late 1970 and 1980s, dissents led to a few statutory and judicial changes in the law of rape. As societal mindfulness expanded, critical changes in the law ha ...
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