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Name 1
Me, myself and I
I believe I’m a smart person in the sense that I understand new technologies faster than
most people around me. There are some qualities I have, but the most important quality is that I
am very proficient with computers and their application. I find it easy to understand this new
technology as I know so many people have it difficult. Most people may want to call me a geek
or a nerd but that doesn’t bother me since I find so much peace when I’m behind a computer.
You could say that I’ve found my home. I believe this makes me a very smart person as you may
understand, this technology is a bit tough to understand for so many people.
I understand being smart alone cannot make for a good student in anything but having an
interest in the subject at hand. Because Im profoundly interested in computing, I have the ability
to work with computers and understand their application. I remember when I was introduced to
my first computer, I couldn’t put it down. I was ten years old and learning how to use my
computer became my first priority. Every day after school, I would run to my room and get on
my computer before I even started my homework, or said hello to my mom. I got so engrossed in
it that my parents had to take it away from me to concentrate on other parts of my life.
Nevertheless, that did not deter me from my passion for the technology. When I went to
high school, I learned so much more about computers. I loved computer lessons and I learned
how to assemble and disassemble a computer which comes in handy from time to time. Learning
how to use Microsoft office and how to create a simple calculator program by Visual Basic are

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Name 1 Name Instructor CORE 04/26/2017 Me, myself and I I believe I’m a smart person in the sense that I understand new technologies faster than most people around me. There are some qualities I have, but the most important quality is that I am very proficient with computers and their application. I find it easy to understand this new technology as I know so many people have it difficult. Most people may want to call me a geek or a nerd but that doesn’t bother me since I find so much peace when I’m behind a computer. You could say that I’ve found my home. I believe this makes me a very ...
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