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Policy Implementation

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Educate the masses, don’t suspend policy implementation.

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In the wake of increased hacking attempts against the Service Request System, the local
government has seen it right to put in place a new policy to try and curb the hacking attempts.
There is an increased need for embracing technology in different cities (Newcombe, 2016).
However, one thing that the local government has failed to do is give the public a chance to
voice their comment before the implementation of the policy. As a result, the public has
protested as they have been unable to use the Services Request System under the newly adopted
policy. In any case, the public should sit back and relax because the new policy is for their own
benefit as it will ensure their security online. Cyber security is an international issue
(Rosenzweig, 2011).
Residents think that the new policy is trying to invade into their privacy by requesting too
much personal information during registration. By doing so, the local government wants to make
sure that those people who log in to the system are accountable for what they do using those
portals because they can be traced back in case there is a hacking attempt.
Collecting information during account registration ensures that the services are awarded
to people who deserve them and those people can be held accountable because their information
is recorded. The two-factor authentication is a threat to hackers because they want to by-pass a
system easily but this authentication plan keeps them away. This will also help in enhancing
response to hacking attempts (Reinhard, 2015).
The local government needs not suspend implementation of the policy for 90 days. This
is because if they decided to give in to the pressure and suspend the implementation, they will be

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Running head: POLICY IMPLEMENTATION Educate the masses, don’t suspend policy implementation. Name Institution Date 1 POLICY IMPLEMENTATION 2 Introduction In the wake of increased hacking attempts against the Service Request System, the local government has seen it right to put in place a new policy to try and curb the hacking attempts. There is an increased need for embracing technology in different cities (Newcombe, 2016). However, one thing that the local government has failed to do is give the public a chance to voice their comment before the implementation of the policy. As a result, the public has protested as they have been unable to use the Services Request System under the newly adopted policy. In any case, the public should sit back and relax because the new policy is for their own benefit as it will ensure their security online. Cyber security is an international issue (Rosenzweig, 2011). Residents think that the new policy is trying to invade into their privacy by requesting too much personal information during registration. By doing so, the local government wants to make sure that those people who log in to the system are accountable for what they do using those ...
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