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Title: Making the memorial
Author’s Name” Maya Lin
Maya (2) wrote an essay submitted for a competition that pertained to how a Vietnam
memorial would look like. The author notes that when researching the nature of the Vietnam
memorial, she discovered that most of the memorials paid little attention to the lives lost but
focused on the leader's accomplishments. One of the key concepts that the author determines
regarding monuments is that they are honest on the real nature of the war, an appreciation to
this that serves and recognizes the lives lost. Therefore, Maya decided that she would not
look into the facts regarding the Vietnamese war and the reason behind the conflict but rather
focus on a statement that would be relatable to everyone. Furthermore, Maya wanted to
ensure that the monument represented coming to terms with the idea of loss which requires
acceptance of that loss in the first place.
Additionally, the author emphasized the concepts of using people's names and how powerful
of a statement it was because it allows people to remember. Therefore, Maya (2000) stayed
clear from the political perception but rather focused on the aesthetics. Furthermore, these
Veterans were not appreciated upon returning home from war (Maya, 5). Therefore, the
essay's overall message is that wars come with a lot of pain. In truly remembering the
historical moment, removing the political element leads to a true memorial due to the
consideration of the aspects that matter, such as the lives lost and survivors.
The best quote within the essay was, "The use of names was a way to bring back everything
someone could remember about a person." (Maya, 2). The reason behind such a quote is that

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Surname 1 Name Date Title: Making the memorial Author’s Name” Maya Lin Summary Maya (2) wrote an essay submitted for a competition that pertained to how a Vietnam memorial would look like. The author notes that when researching the nature of the Vietnam memorial, she discovered that most of the memorials paid little attention to the lives lost but focused on the leader's accomplishments. One of the key concepts that the author determines regarding monuments is that they are honest on the real nature of the war, an appreciation to this that serves and recognizes the lives lost. Therefore, ...
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Great content here. Definitely a returning customer.


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