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Stress and Burn Out in Nursing: Nursing Shortage

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Most professional workers undergo some pressure in their line of work. This might be
due to the importance of their work or the strictness of their superiors. For medical practitioners
and other health workers like doctors, nurses and clinicians, the pressure is higher than for most.
This is because the nature of their work is a matter of life and death in most instances. It is for
this reason that nurses experience stress which in most incidences may lead to the shutting of
their bodies due to too much wear. These shutdowns in some instances not only affect the
nurses’ bodies but also the functionality of their brain and motor functions. This condition if not
rectified with urgency may lead to loss of lives as the nurses will be in no condition to provide
health care to their patients.
In studies conducted in the recent past, it has been discovered that over 49% of nurses
under the age of 30 years, experience high levels of stress (Berlin, & Sechrist, 2012). This has
been associated to the shortage of nurses in general. With the continuous expansion of healthcare
concern, the number of nurses to provide this healthcare has not been able to keep up. This has
resulted to the few nurses that are available to work long hours with shifts consisting of different
activities that run from advocating for patients’ needs, attending boardroom meetings, being at
the frontline of any medical situation, attending to bed ridden patients to comforting patients and
their families. When all these tasks are bestowed on a single individual who has to work for over
18 hours during some days is likely to stress the individual.
According to the bureau of labor statistics, the number of nurses in the US is expected to
increase by just over 438,100 nurses for a period of ten years between 2016 and 2026. However,
the same bureau suggests that the number should increase by over 203,700 nurses annually to
cater for the number of nurses that have retired as well as cover the new health field that will
have emerged during the period (Berlin, & Sechrist, 2012). This implies that in the ten years

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Page Header: STRESS AND BURN OUT IN NURSING: THE NURSING SHORTAGE Stress and Burn Out in Nursing: Nursing Shortage Name Institution Professor Date 1 STRESS AND BURNOUT IN NURSING: THE NURSING SHORTAGE 2 Most professional workers undergo some pressure in their line of work. This might be due to the importance of their work or the strictness of their superiors. For medical practitioners and other health workers like doctors, nurses and clinicians, the pressure is higher than for most. This is because the nature of their work is a matter of life and death in most instances. It is for this reason that nurses experience stress which in most incidences may lead to the shutting of their bodies due to too much wear. These shutdowns in some instances not only affect the nurses’ bodies but also the functionality of their brain and motor functions. This condition if not rectified with urgency may lead to loss of lives as the nurses will be in no condition to provide health care to their patients. In studies conducted in the recent past, it has been discovered that over 49% of nurses under the age of 30 years, experience high levels of stress (Berlin, & Sechrist, 2012). This has been as ...
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