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ALGEBRA ALGEBRA 33 -bc (6 -c)-a²b + a'c + ab2 - ac abc(a - b)(b -c)(c-a) 1 1 + x-2 X-2 X-3 x-2 x-1 = 3(x - 2)-3(x - 1)(x-3) - (x - 2) (x - 1)(x - 2) (x - 2)(x-3) -bc(b-c)-a’lb-c)+ a(b2-c%) abc(a - b)(b-c)(c-a) 3x - 6-3x + 3 x-1. 1. X-3- X + 2 X-2 -bc(b-c) - a²(b - c)+ alb-c)(b + c) abcla-b) (b-c)(c-a) -3 -1 3 1 X-1 X-3 x-1 x - 3 (b-c)l-bc - a² + alb+c)] abcla -b)(b -c)(c-a) 3x-9= x-1=2x = 8 X= 4 21 (b-c)(-bc-a² + ab + ac) abcla - b)(b -c)(c-a) x +1 х 3. If + = 2, then the value of x is : х x +1 6 (1) 2 GS (2)-3 (3) 2 or-3 (4) 2 or 4 Sol. (3) **** **1 = 2 X . + = X +1 6 Subtracting 2 from both sides, X x + х (b-c)l-a2 + ab + ac - bc) abcla - b)(b-c)(c-a). - ਪਾਕ (b-c)l-ala - b) + c(a - b)] abcla -b)(b -c)(c-a) (b - c)[(a - b)(-a + c)] abc(a - b)(b -c)(c-a) (b-c)(a - b)(c-a) abcla -b)(b -c)(c-a) abc (*2-1)+(*1 - 2) = 23-2 х x +1 6 x +1-X 1 X-X-1 + x +1 X 6 1 1 1 介 Y +1 6 ...
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